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Ekstrom Library

Bioengineering 101

Bioengineering Databases


*Use keywords and filters in these research databases to find scholarly articles related to your topic. You might use other credible sources for this class that aren't necessarily scholarly, but be sure to evaluate them and know the difference. 

Getting to Engineering Databases

On the library's homepage, go to All Databases A-Z. 

Library homepage will all databases a-z link under quick tools highlighted.

Skip to the letter of a database you know about to find it on the list. 

Or, use the subject filter at the top to find Engineering & Technology databases. 

UofL Library a-z databases page with the subject filter set to Engineering & Technology highlighted.

Finding a Specific Article

Did you find an article and it's asking you to pay? Look for it through the library! 

Search the title of the article only in quotation marks in the search bar on the library's homepage

UofL Library homepage with an article title in quotation marks in the search box.

Click on the article title in the catalog. 

Then, you should see a View PDF button to the right. 

UofL Librayr catalog article page with View PDF access option button highlighted.

Or, if the article isn't immediately accessible through the library, you can request it through a free service called Interlibrary Loan

UofL Library catalog with Request through Interlibrary Loan button highlighted.

You'll have to sign up for a free account your first time, but after that you'll stay logged in. Submit the form and you'll receive an email with the PDF when it's available. This usually takes 24 hours but could take longer depending on the day of the week, holidays, and the lending library.