Kanopy and Swank are educational video platforms that provide UofL faculty, staff and students access to UofL purchased content.
Kanopy can be accessed at the following website: https://louisville.kanopy.com
Swank can be access at the following website: https://www.swank.com/k-12-streaming/movies/
Professors are limited to five streaming item requests per semester.
Due to cost, the films do need to be for a current active course. If you would like to preview a film for a course Ekstrom library has an extensive collection and ILL (Interlibrary Loan) is available.
Access to the titles are for a year from the purchase date. They can be renewed if they are still needed for class work.
Films can be requested directly through the Kanopy or Swank websites or by contacting the Filming Services Coordinator
UofL Libraries is not responsible for the content linked from these sites. We cannot guarantee the availability of the content they provide, nor assume responsibility for the functionality of these sites. In addition, content listed below is protected under copyright and as such, any redistribution or reproduction is prohibited.