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College Student Personnel (CSP): Home

"The mission of the College Student Personnel program is to prepare scholar practitioners for student affairs roles in which they promote student learning and development and advocate on behalf of students to enhance postsecondary success." 

- College of Education and Human Development website

The Master of Education in Counseling & Personnel Services (College Student Personnel) overview describes how the program prepares its graduate students in theory, research, and field experience in student affairs practice. This guide is intended to provide preliminary support for CSP-related research endeavors. It includes tutorials outlining the research process along with recommended databases, journals, and more. Students and faculty are also encouraged to contact a College of Education Librarian Liaison for additional support.

Do It Yourself Research Tutorials

University Libraries has developed a series of quick, do-it-yourself tutorials designed to guide researchers through every stage of the research process, from starting an assignment to searching databases, from finding sources to writing the paper itself. Graduate students and faculty may also be interested in the exploring more advanced research tutorials on the Productive Researcher site.

Featured Database

Your Librarian Liaison

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Courtney Shareef

Strategic Initiatives Librarian

Ekstrom Library

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