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A Walk through the Civil Rights Movement with the University Libraries: Art Library

Bridwell Art Library

The Civil Rights movement was a turning point for African-American art.  Before the movement most African-American artists were trying to conform to the white standards of art that had been the touchstone for centuries. But with the movement many artists found their voices and therefore showed us, the viewer, a new lens to filter the world through.  

The Art Library's exhibit is located in our double-sided exhibit case near the front of the library

image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library
image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library
image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library
image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library
image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library
image of exhibit of A walk through the 20th from the Bridwell art library

Faith Ringgold

image of American People Series #20: Die 1967 by faith ringgoldRinggold, Faith. American People Series: Die, Die. 1967. Artstor,

Index of sources used

List of all books and materials used in our exhibit.  All titles are from the Bridwell Art Library unless otherwise noted.

  • Revelations: Art from the African American South | Book Stacks N 6538 .N5 F565 2017
  • Mounting Frustration | Book Stacks N 6538 .N5 C34 2016
  • Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century | N 6538 .N5 P67 1997
  • Gordon Parks: Half Past Autumn: A Retrospective | Folio Book Stacks TR 140 .P35 P35 1997
  • Looking at the U.S. 1957-1986 | Folio Book Stacks TR 820.5 .B328 2009
  • What Remains to be Seen | Book Stacks N 6537 .P49 A4 2018
  • For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights | Ekstrom Library, African-American Collection P 94.5 .A372 U534 2010
  • The Sixties | Folio Book Stacks | TR 681 .F3 A934 1999
  • American People, Black Light: Faith Ringgold's Paintings of the 1960's | Book Stacks ND 237 .R553 A4 2010
  • Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists | N 6538 .N5 F27 2005
  • Glenn Ligon Untitled (I Am a Man) | Book Stacks N 6537 .L535 B67 2018
civil rights image
civil rights image
civil rights image
civil rights image
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