How to Create Anti-racist Virtual Classrooms: Strategies for Teachers and Families
A webinar from PittEd Justice Collective
Hybrid Pedagogy: The Journal of Critical Digital Pedagogy
An open-access, peer-reviewed journal that "combines the strands of critical pedagogy and digital pedagogy to arrive at the best social and civil uses for technology and new media in education"
Making Digital Writing Assessment Fair for Diverse Writers - Computers and Composition Digital Press
See the section on "Fairness and Digital Writing Assessment."
Inclusive Teaching and Learning Online - Columbia CTL
Defines the main principles for establishing an inclusive online classroom.
Asynchronous Strategies for Inclusive Teaching - Brown
Resources for Online Courses - University of Michigan
Provides many examples of in-class activities that can be adapted for an online setting..
Race, Identity, & Power in Our Online/Offline Spaces
A podcast episode from Unseen Unknown with Jasmine Bina
Buchanan, J., Wilson, S., & Gopal, N. (2008). A cross cultural virtual learning environment for students to explore the issue of racism: A case study involving the UK, USA and SA. Social Work Education, 27(6), 671-682.
Eschmann, R. (2019). Unmasking racism: Students of color and expressions of racism in online spaces. Social Problems.
Heitner, K. L., & Jennings, M. (2016). Culturally responsive teaching knowledge and practices of online faculty. Online Learning, 20(4).
Lauzon, A. C. (2000). Distance education and diversity: Are they compatible? American Journal of Distance Education, 14(2), 61-70.
Martin, J. N., & Cheong, P. H. (2012). Cultural considerations of online pedagogy. In Computer-Mediated Communication across Cultures (pp. 283-311).
Mehta, R., & Aguilera, E. (2020). A critical approach to humanizing pedagogies in online teaching and learning. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 37(3), 109-120.
Migueliz Valcarlos, M., Wolgemuth, J. R., Haraf, S., & Fisk, N. (2020). Anti-oppressive pedagogies in online learning: a critical review. Distance Education, 41(3), 345-360.
Montelongo, R., & Eaton, P. W. (2020). Online learning for social justice and inclusion. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 37(1-2), 33-45.
Ortega, A., Andruczyk, M., & Marquart, M. (2018). Addressing microaggressions and acts of oppression within online classrooms by utilizing principles of transformative learning and liberatory education. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27(1), 28-40.
Shlossberg, P., & Cunningham, C. (2016). Diversity, instructional research, and online education. Communication Education, 65(2), 229–232.
Stewart, N. D., & Goddard, Y. (2023). Discussion boards as a pedagogical tool engendering critical race conversations: Meeting anti-racist aims to raise consciousness and disrupt whiteness. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1).
Woodford, E. (2022). A path to decolonizing the online classroom. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 17(1).
Woodley, X., Hernandez, C., Parra, J., & Negash, B. (2017). Celebrating difference: Best practices in culturally responsive teaching online. TechTrends, 61(5), 470-478.
Zipf, S. T. (2023). Anonymity and grading fairness in online education. American Journal of Distance Education, 1-14.