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Student Guide to the Art Library: Get Help

Use this guide to learn about the Art Library and discover resources related to art history, studio art, and design.

Get Help

Ever thought... Can I renew my books? When does the library close today? How do I cite this article?

Got a question? Check out the Art Library FAQ to see if your question is answered.

Get assistance from the library through the chat service available on the Art Library website. Your question will be forwarded to our service account and answered as quickly as possible.

Need help after hours? Email the Art Library at and a library employee will respond when we reopen!

Research Consultations

Students can schedule a one-on-one research appointment with Professor Courtney Stine for individualized help with topics such as, but not limited to:

  • Building a search strategy

  • Expanding or narrowing down a research topic

  • Navigating art resources such as Art & Architecture Complete

Schedule a research appointment at: You can choose to meet with Professor Stine online via Microsoft Teams or in person at the Art Library located in 102 Schneider Hall. If you don't see a time that works with your schedule, contact her at with your availability. 

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