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Finding a Journal to Publish In: Home

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Just need a refresher? Use the questions below to determine a journal’s potential for publishing your research. Follow the links to helpful resources for identifying and evaluating journals. Suitability: Is your manuscript a good fit with the stated aims and scope of the journal? How often does the journal publish articles related to the topic of your manuscript? Does the journal encourage inquiries to the editor regarding the suitability of manuscript topics? Are you citing articles that have been published in the journal?Logistics: Are you familiar with the journal’s copyright and open access policies? Have you asked a mentor/colleague to review the manuscript prior to submission? Have you prepared the manuscript according to the journal’s submission guidelines? Does the journal provide a timeline for the peer review process and does it work for you?Impact: Where is the journal indexed? How often are articles in the journal cited? What scholars have published in the journal? How important/influential is the journal within the discipline? How often have you read articles from the journal in your research or studies?Helpful resources for identifying journals to publish in: Journal Directories like Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and MLADirectory of Periodicals can be found in the UofL Databases A-Z List. IEEE Publication Recommender can be found at publication-recommender. and compares journal impact factor and submission-to-publication time for journals. Elsevier Journal Findercan be found at journalfinder. elsevier. com and helps find journals for publishing scientific articles. Helpful resources for measuring journal impact and quality: Incites Journal Citation Reports is available through UofL library’s Databases A-Z List. Choose the Browse by Category option and select your field of study to view top journals and their impact factor. Think Check Submit is an online resource to help researchers make informed decisions about where to publish their work. Librarians are available to help with any of your research needs at library. louisville. edu/ask

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