Focusing on Children's Health: Community Approaches to Addressing Health Disparities: Workshop Summary by National Research Council; Karen M. Anderson; Theresa M. WizemannSocioeconomic conditions are known to be major determinants of health at all stages of life, from pregnancy through childhood and adulthood. "Life-course epidemiology" has added a further dimension to the understanding of the social determinants of health by showing an association between early-life socioeconomic conditions and adult health-related behaviors, morbidity, and mortality. Sensitive and critical periods of development, such as the prenatal period and early childhood, present significant opportunities to influence lifelong health. Yet simply intervening in the health system is insufficient to influence health early in the life course. Community-level approaches to affect key determinants of health are also critical. Many of these issues were raised in the 1995 National Academies book, Children's Health, the Nation's Wealth. The present volume builds upon this earlier book with presentations and examples from the field. "Focusing on Children's Health" describes the evidence linking early childhood life conditions and adult health; discusses the contribution of the early life course to observed racial and ethnic disparities in health; and highlights successful models that engage both community factors and health care to affect life course development.
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780309137867
Publication Date: 2009
A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health by Institute of Medicine; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineThe World Health Organization defines the social determinants of health as oethe conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies, development agendas, cultural and social norms, social policies, and political systems. In an era of pronounced human migration, changing demographics, and growing financial gaps between rich and poor, a fundamental understanding of how the conditions and circumstances in which individuals and populations exist affect mental and physical health is imperative. Educating health professionals about the social determinants of health generates awareness among those professionals about the potential root causes of ill health and the importance of addressing them in and with communities, contributing to more effective strategies for improving health and health care for underserved individuals, communities, and populations. Recently, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop to develop a high-level framework for such health professional education. A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health also puts forth a conceptual model for the framework (TM)s use with the goal of helping stakeholder groups envision ways in which organizations, education, and communities can come together to address health inequalities.
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780309392624
Publication Date: 2016
Health Care Services, Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Underserved Populations: Patient and Provider Perspectives by Jennie Jacobs KronenfeldThe theme of this volume is "Health Care Services, Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Undeserved Populations: Patient and Provider Perspectives". The volume is divided into five sections. The first section discusses the overall issue of health care disparities and undeserved populations and also provides introductory material about the rest of the volume. The next section focuses on issues that relate to gender. The third section provides papers on some other specific examples of undeserved populations: those with mental health concerns, those with concerns related to emotional well being, the elderly population and sex workers. The fourth section includes papers that discuss treatment disparities and providers of care. The final section includes papers that relate to policy concerns. The topic of health care services and undeserved populations is one of growing importance within the US health care system and one of importance in health care systems across the world. Concern about equity in health care is not new. There is a long tradition in medical sociology of studies of inequities in health status and use of health care services. Over the past ten to twenty years, there have been many studies that have documented that race and socioeconomic status (SES) influence the use of health care services. Within the US in the past decade, this area of concern is often described as studies of health disparities and this volume is a contribution to that research. This volume examines the issue more broadly, by including some issues in countries besides the US and examining the role of providers in treatment disparities and important policy concerns.
Call Number: RA418 .R47 v.23 (Ekstrom)
ISBN: 9781849503723
Publication Date: 2005
The Impact of Demographics on Health and Health Care: Race, Ethnicity and Other Social Factors by Jennie Jacobs KronenfeldThis volume focuses on differences in health and health care as linked to important social factors. The first section reviews basic material on the topic. The second section on racial and ethnic factors in differences in health and health care is the largest section of the book, and includes six articles looking at racial disparities on a variety of topics such as: knowledge of hepatitis C Virus; health services received and patients' experiences in seeking health care; use of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) services; and, the role of social capital in class and race health disparities in health information seeking behaviour. Further sections include articles focused on geographic and community factors, gender and age, gender and language, and lifecourse issues such as maternal depression and hospice care. "Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 28" is essential reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. It provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers.
Call Number: RA418 .R47 v.28 (Ekstrom)
ISBN: 9781849507158
Publication Date: 2010
Issues in Health and Health Care Related to Race/Ethnicity, Immigration, SES and Gender by Jennie Jacobs KronenfeldThe 30th Anniversary volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care looks at the important links between major social factors and health and health care. The four main factors examined in the book are race/ethnicity, immigration, Socioeconomic Status (SES) and gender. Starting with an introductory chapter which reviews some of the important sociological literature on these social factors as linked to health, the book goes on to cover various key issues, including obesity, ageing, immigration and racial segregation.
Call Number: RA418 .R47 v.30 (Ekstrom)
ISBN: 9781781901243
Publication Date: 2012
The Science of Health Disparities Research by Irene Dankwa-Mullan; Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable; Kevin L. Gardner; Xinzhi Zhang; Adelaida M. RosarioIntegrates the various disciplines of the science of health disparities in one comprehensive volume The Science of Health Disparities Research is an indispensable source of up-to-date information on clinical and translational health disparities science. Building upon the advances in health disparities research over the past decade, this authoritative volume informs policies and practices addressing the diseases, disorders, and gaps in health outcomes that are more prevalent in minority populations and socially disadvantaged communities. Contributions by recognized scholars and leaders in the field--featuring contemporary research, conceptual models, and a broad range of scientific perspectives--provide an interdisciplinary approach to reducing inequalities in population health, encouraging community engagement in the research process, and promoting social justice. In-depth chapters help readers better understand the specifics of minority health and health disparities while demonstrating the importance of advancing theory, refining measurement, improving investigative methods, and diversifying scientific research. In 26 chapters, the book examines topics including the etiology of health disparities research, the determinants of population health, research ethics, and research in African American, Asians, Latino, American Indian, and other vulnerable populations. Providing a unified framework on the principles and applications of the science of health disparities research, this important volume: Defines the field of health disparities science and suggests new directions in scholarship and research Explains basic definitions, principles, and concepts for identifying, understanding and addressing health disparities Provides guidance on both conducting health disparities research and translating the results Examines how social, historical and contemporary injustices may influence the health of racial and ethnic minorities Illustrates the increasing national and global importance of addressing health disparities Discusses population health training, capacity-building, and the transdisciplinary tools needed to advance health equity A significant contribution to the field, The Science of Health Disparities Research is an essential resource for students and basic and clinical researchers in genetics, population genetics, and public health, health care policymakers, and epidemiologists, medical students, and clinicians, particularly those working with minority, vulnerable, or underserved populations.
ISBN: 9781119374817
Publication Date: 2021
Social Determinants, Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care by Jennie Jacobs KronenfeldThis volume looks at the key links between social determinants, health disparities and health and health care. There is a particular focus on macro-level systems and micro-level issues, including the examination of issues for patients, carers and providers of care. Coverage includes papers on geographical and place factors and disparities, SES and race/ethnicity factors, chronic care and serious health problems such as HIV/AIDs and kidney transplantation, comparative aspects and perceptions of health disparities. Starting with an introduction that reviews the crucial sociological literature on social determinants and health disparities, papers in this volume go on to cover key themes including ageing, barriers to care, ethnicity, social inequalities, the views of parents on their children's care, and doctor/patient relationships.
Call Number: RA418 .R47 v.31 (Ekstrom)
ISBN: 1781905878
Publication Date: 2013
Social Determinants of Health by Michael Marmot; Richard WilkinsonSocial Determinants of Health, 2nd Edition gives an authoritative overview of the social and economic factors which are known to be the most powerful determinants of population health in modern societies. Written by acknowledged experts in each field, it provides accessible summaries of thescientific justification for isolating different aspects of social and economic life as the primary determinants of a population's health.The new edition takes account of the most recent research and also includes additional chapters on ethnicity and health, sexual behaviours, the elderly, housing and neighbourhoods.Recognition of the power of socioeconomic factors as determinants of health came initially from research on health inequalities. This has led to a view of health as not simply about individual behaviour or exposure to risk, but how the socially and economically structured way of life of apopulation shapes its health. Thus exercise and accidents are as much about a society's transport system as about individual decisions; and the nation's diet involves agriculture, food manufacture, retailing, and personal incomes as much as individual choice. But a major new element in the picturewe have developed is the importance of the social, or psycho-social, environment to health. For example, health in the workplace for most employees - certainly for office workers - is less a matter of exposure to physical health hazards as of the social environment, of how supportive it is, whetherpeople have control over their work, whether their jobs are secure. A similar picture emerges in other areas ranging from the health importance of the emotional environment in early childhood to the need for more socially cohesive communities.Social Determinants of Health should be read by those interested in the wellbeing of modern societies. It is a must for public health professionals, for health promotion specialists, and for people working in the many fields of public policy which we now know make such an important contribution tohealth.
From Greenberg RS (ed.). Medical Epidemiology: Population Health and Effective Health Care (5th ed.). 2015; McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 5.
Books on Specific Topics
Cancer Disparities: Causes and Evidence-Based Solutions by Ronit Elk; Hope LandrineThere has been remarkable progress in understanding, preventing, detecting, diagnosing, and treating cancer, resulting in a reduction of cancer incidence and mortality in the United States. Despite this, the cancer burden varies considerably by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Cancer incidence rates vary markedly between racial/ethnic groups, but even more startling are the differences in outcome across groups. Cancer Disparities: Causes and Evidence-Based Solutions helps readers understand the scope and causes of this inequity by providing a detailed analysis of the many factors that result in cancer disparities across the cancer continuum, including the role of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, access to and use of services, insurance status, geographic variables, and differences in treatment provided to patients. Further, it is the first book to describe evidence-based, concrete solutions that can be used to reduce or even eliminate cancer health disparities. Fifteen previously unpublished studies of interventions designed specifically to achieve health equality are described. These studies focus on contextually and culturally appropriate strategies to enhance cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment, symptom management, and quality of life in underserved populations.
Call Number: QZ220 .C358 2012 (Kornhauser)
ISBN: 9780826108821
Publication Date: 2012
Cancer Health Equity Research by Marvella E. Ford; Judith Salley; Nestor EsnaolaCancer Health Equity Research, Volume 146 in the Advances in Cancer Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of timely topics, including Pubertal Mammary Development as a 'Susceptibility Window' for Breast Cancer Disparity, Review of Patient Navigation Interventions to Address Barriers to Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials, Racial Disparities in Ovarian Cancer Research, Mighty Men: A Faith-Based Weight Loss Intervention to Reduce Cancer Risk in African American Men, Design of a Patient Navigation Intervention to Increase Rates of Surgery among African Americans with Early-Stage Lung Cancer, and much. Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors Presents the latest release in the Advances in Cancer Research series Updated release includes the latest information on the Cancer Health Equity Research
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780128201770
Publication Date: 2020
Environmental Health Hazards and Social Justice: Geographical Perspectives on Race and Class Disparities by Florence MargaiThis book provides geographic perspectives and approaches for use in assessing the distribution of environmental health hazards and disease outcomes among disadvantaged population groups. Estimates suggest that about forty per cent of the global burden of disease is attributable to exposures to biological and chemical pathogens in the physical environment. And with today's rapid rate of globalization, and these hazardous health effects are likely to increase, with low income and underrepresented communities facing even greater risks. In many places around the world, marginalized communities unwillingly serve as hosts of noxious facilities such as chemical industrial plants, extractive facilities (oil and mining) and other destructive land use activities. Others are being used as illegal dumping grounds for hazardous materials and electronic wastes resulting in air, soil and groundwater contamination. The book informs readers about the geography and emergent health risks that accompany the location of these hazards, with emphasis on vulnerable population groups. The approach is applications-oriented, illustrating the use of health data and geographic approaches to uncover the root causes, contextual factors and processes that produce contaminated environments. Case studies are drawn from the author's research in the United States and Africa, along with a literature review of related studies completed in Europe, Asia and South America. This comparative approach allows readers to better understand the manifestation of environmental hazards and inequities at different spatial scales with localized disparities evident in both developed and developing countries.
Call Number: RA566 .M26 2010 (Ekstrom)
ISBN: 9781844078240
Publication Date: 2010
Understanding the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States: The Role of Syndemics in the Production of Health Disparities by Eric R. Wright; Neal CarnesThis book examines the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States using the concept of syndemics to contextualize the risk of both well-known, and a few lesser-known, subpopulations that experience disproportionately high rates of HIV and/or AIDS within the United States. Since discovery, HIV/AIDS has exposed a number of social, psychological, and biological aspects of disease transmission. The concept of "syndemics," or "synergistically interacting epidemics" has emerged as a powerful framework for understanding both the epidemiological patterns and the myriad of problems associated with HIV/AIDS around the world and within the United States. The book considers the disparities in HIV/AIDS in relation to social aspects, risk behavior and critical illness comorbidities. It updates and enhances our understanding of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States and contributes to the expanding literature on the role of syndemics in shaping the public's health.​
HDPulse: An Ecosystem of Health Disparities and Minority Health Resources. Data portal on a variety of health indicators and demographic factors from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
Bambra C, Riordan R, Ford J, Matthews F. The COVID-19 pandemic and health inequalities. J Epidemiol and Community Health. 2020 Nov; 74(11):964-968. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-214401.
Belle ML, Ebisu K. Environmental inequality in exposures to airborne particulate matter components in the United States. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Dec; 120(12):1699-1704. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1205201.
Selected publications from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Environment and Health
Dental Care
Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineAccess to oral health care is essential to promoting and maintaining overall health and well-being, yet only half of the population visits a dentist each year. Poor and minority children are less likely to have access to oral health care than are their nonpoor and nonminority peers. Older adults, people who live in rural areas, and disabled individuals, uniformly confront access barriers, regardless of their financial resources. The consequences of these disparities in access to oral health care can lead to a number of conditions including malnutrition, childhood speech problems, infections, diabetes, heart disease, and premature births. Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations examines the scope and consequences of inadequate access to oral health services in the United States and recommends ways to combat the economic, structural, geographic, and cultural factors that prevent access to regular, quality care. The report suggests changing funding and reimbursement for dental care; expanding the oral health work force by training doctors, nurses, and other nondental professionals to recognize risk for oral diseases; and revamping regulatory, educational, and administrative practices. It also recommends changes to incorporate oral health care into overall health care. These recommendations support the creation of a diverse workforce that is competent, compensated, and authorized to serve vulnerable and underserved populations across the life cycle. The recommendations provided in Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations will help direct the efforts of federal, state, and local government agencies; policy makers; health professionals in all fields; private and public health organizations; licensing and accreditation bodies; educational institutions; health care researchers; and philanthropic and advocacy organizations.
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780309209472
Publication Date: 2011
Oral Health Care for Socially Disadvantaged Communities by Febronia Kokulengya Kahabuka; Irene Anderson Kida; Emil Namakuka KikwiluThis book gathers the current information on management of common oral conditions and proposes an appropriate package for underdeveloped communities. Practical solutions for managing oral conditions in the existing social, political and economic context of the developing countries is provided. This book is a good reference material for undergraduate and postgraduate students, academicians, as well as practicing dentists. In this book, the Basic Package of Oral Care (BPOC) forms a pillar of the presentation. A traumatic Restorative Treatment, affordable fluoride tooth paste and relief of oral pain are presented as an essential minimum package of oral care for any community. This book advocates home care and outreach programmes to reach the elderly. The already existing oral health care delivery system is challenged. This book provides evidence-based appropriate oral care.