The National Agricultural Library's Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) provides guidance on building and conducting a 3Rs (replacement, reduction, refinement of animal use) alternatives literature search. This page details instructions for finding 3Rs alternatives along with other resources to assist individuals working with animals in research, testing, and teaching.
When searching for animal alternatives, you approach the task much as you do when you are searching for literature for any research project. You need key words, synonyms, MeSH terms (if using PubMed), and then you'll also need your 3R's Search Terms.
Housing: housing OR cage OR enclosure
Animal: mice OR mouse OR murine OR mus
3Rs: “environmental enrichment*” OR “social housing” OR toys OR “animal welfare” OR “reduce stress” OR bedding OR “nesting material*”
See the video for more information on building and conducting a 3R's search ➡