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University Libraries Faculty Resources: Performance Reviews

Human Resources information for faculty and their supervisors

Annual Review

Each faculty member collaborates with his/her supervisor to develop an annual work plan which they submit to the dean for approval. The plan specifies responsibilities for teaching, research, service, and any other activities related to the faculty member's work.

General Timeline

  • Mid-December: annual work plans for the upcoming year due to the Dean's office
  • early January: Faculty member writes Annual Performance Summary.
  • mid-January: Supervisors, directors, and the ULF Personnel Committee (PC) review files
  • early February: Supervisor and PC meet to discuss performance and assign rating
  • mid-February: Supervisor and faculty member to discuss evaluation
  • late February: PC ranks faculty members and forwards files and rankings to the Dean for final approval

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Periodic Career Review

Faculty members with tenure undergo a periodic career review (PCR) after every fifth year of service. A promotion replaces the periodic career review for the period in which the promotion occurs. 

Faculty due for PCR are notified by the ULF Personnel Committee by April 1.

Relevant Documents

Promotion & Tenure Review

If you are eligible for promotion, the ULF Personnel Committee (PC) will contact you.

  • Nov 15: PC notifies faculty eligible for promotion to assistant professor
  • April 1: PC notifies faculty eligible for promotion to full professor
  • May 1: PC notifies faculty eligible for promotion to associate professor and tenure

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