Ekstrom has the current quadrangles for the 1:24,000 series for Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Older editions of the Kentucky quadrangles are also available. Print Indexes for this series are located on top of the map cases on the 4th floor.
In addition to the 7.5 minute series, the library also collects the following USGS series:
Along with the topographic series, the library has the USGS Geologic and Hydrologic Series maps location in the vertical file section of the map collection on the 4th floor.
Sanborn maps are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures. Includes maps for many Kentucky cities and date from the 1890s to the 1950s. Full-text images of the maps are provided.
The remainder of the print map collection consists of monographic holdings arranged in Library of Congress classification order. These maps include older city road maps, state maps, and thematic maps.
The reference department also has a current collection that includes current travel and road maps, and maps for most major cities, larger Kentucky cities, and some international maps. There is also a binder containing current CIA base maps for most countries.
Don't forget that atlases contain many different types of maps, so always remember to search the library catalog for atlas holdings.
Electronic Resources Manager and Government Documents Librarian
Ekstrom Library