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Business Plan for a Louisville Neighborhood: Industry Research

Industry Classification Codes

Every industry is given a classification code by the U.S. government. The two main classification systems are:

  • NAICS (North American Industry Classification System): 6-digits
  • SIC (Standard Industrial Classification): 4-digit

While some databases will allow you to search for the appropriate NAICS code, the government websites below can help you identify the correct NAICS and SIC codes for a particular industry. There may be multiple codes relevant to the industry you are researching.

Trade Associations

♦ Trade Associations 

Trade association websites frequently provide links to reports and information relevant to specific industries. While some information may only be accessible to members, often free information can be found on these websites. You can find relevant trade associations by doing a Google Search for your industry name + association. For example: automobile association. 

Industry Reports

Manufacturing Industries

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