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HUM 152 Dual Credit - Stewart: Home

Scavenger Hunt Instructions

For each set of questions below, start on the library homepage: Each scenario is hyperlinked to a message board where you can post your responses to the questions as you go. 

Finding Sources for Research

Scenario: I need a book titled "Tweets and the streets" for my research.

  1. How can I search for a book at UofL?
  2. Where is this book located?

Scenario: I need three peer-reviewed articles on how Twitter affects politics for my research paper.

  1. What does it mean for an article to be "peer-reviewed"?
  2. The best place to access peer-reviewed articles is in library databases. Click on Subject Guides to see library databases organized by subject area. Which subjects listed might be a good place for me to find articles related to Twitter and politics?
  3. Click on the Any Topic guide (upper left corner) and select the first recommended database listed, EBSCO Academic Search Complete. There are multiple search boxes to search for articles using keywords. For my research on how Twitter affects politics, what keywords might I type in?
  4. Type Twitter in the first search box, political campaigns in the second, and United States in the third, then hit search. On the left side of the screen, look at Source Types. What types of sources am I looking at?
  5. I can only use peer-reviewed sources in my research. What can I do in the database to get rid of all other source types in my search results?


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Amber Willenborg
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