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HSS/WGST 364: Statistics

Women's Health Statistics Websites

Below are websites that have various statistics about Women's Health.

  • National Women's Health Information Center
    Statistics and information on a variety of health topics important to women and their families.
  • Society for Women's Health Research
    Explores the differences between the sexes in the prevalence and severity of a broad range of diseases, disorders and conditions.
  • State Health Facts - Women's Health
    This category includes data on women's health-related Medicaid information, state insurance mandates, refusal clauses, emergency contraception policies, abortion policies and statistics, and mammogram and pap smear screening.
  • Women’s Health and Mortality Chartbook
    A statistical resource on women’s health in each of the states. A total of 28 different health indicators are featured, which highlight some of the key issues related to women’s health that are being measured regularly at the state level.
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