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Honors 202-09 (Science & Religion, Prof. Johmann): Home

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Exploring the Conversation with Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Sources

After reviewing each source, turn to someone next to you and discuss the following questions: 

1. Which sources are scholarly? How do you know?

2. After skimming the source, what do you think each source says about religion and climate change? In what ways are these sources in conversation with each other? 

Developing a Search Strategy

1. Create a new post by clicking on the plus sign button in the bottom right corner.

2. In the title, write your own example of a research question related to science and religion. 

3. In the body of the post, add keywords and synonyms you could use to search.

Made with Padlet

Advanced Searching

In many library databases, you can use advanced search features such as quotation marks and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search. 

Diagrams of Boolean operators. AND shows only results that contain both keywords, the middle section only is highlighted. OR shows results containing keywords A or B with all sections highlighted. NOT shows results containing keyword A, excluding any with keyword B with only the left side highlighted.

Image created by Cecelia Vetter

Example search: 

  • (religious beliefs OR religion) AND (global warming OR climate change OR climate science)

Finding Books on a Shelf

How to read call numbers

Evaluating Sources

Is the article trying to...

Inform with information icon, sell with dollar sign icon, pursude with megaphone icon, entertain with video player icon.

Check out the AllSides Media Bias Ratings.

Fact-check claims by following up on original research or looking for information from professional fact-checkers like Snopes, Verify This, or Politifact

Verify article false No, US citizens will not need a visa to travel to most of Europe in 2024.

Ekstrom Library Research Help

calendar Meet with a librarian  about your research project
phone Call us at 502.852.0433
Walk-Ins Welcome: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

The Research Assistance office is located on the first floor of Ekstrom Library between the computer lab and the University Writing Center.


Before you leave, please fill out this feedback and reflection form. 

Science Librarian

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Tessa Withorn
Ekstrom Library 131K