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HIST 510/611: Sports, Human Rights, and U.S. Foreign Relations (Keeley): Home


This guide is designed to help you with your research in History 510/611. Please note that the guide is not comprehensive. You may need to consult additional resources, depending on the focus of your project. In addition, because you are researching current events that continue to develop, you will need to use Google to find the most up-to-date information about sports organizations, businesses, etc.

Library Session Activities

Activity 1

1. Search Google for NCAA rules on protesting and look at the result number that was assigned to you. How (if at all) does the source help you understand the NCAA's views on protesting and/or the ongoing discussion around student-athlete protests and free expression?

2. Who published the source? Is it credible? Is it authoritative? Why or why not?

3. What additional questions does the source generate for you? What do you want to know more about? How could you go about finding this information?

Activity 2

1. Find a scholarly journal article (or a law review article) that speaks in some way to your research interests. Post the title and a link on the online workspace here:

2. Be prepared to explain why you selected the article. What information, evidence, or analysis does it provide that might help you with your research?


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Matthew Goldberg
Subjects: History
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