Practice: Use the methods map to find a qualitative method that interests you and find a resource about the method.
Start your search in one of these databases to find journal articles.
In these library databases use connectors like AND, OR, NOT nested with parentheses ( ), and " quotation marks " around common phrases.
A thematic literature review structure organizes sections based on the themes in the literature. Use this approach when you are studying a new research problem but would like to contextualize your research with similar literature.
Chronological order creates sections that review the material in sequential order. This structure is useful when tracing the history of a research area.
Literature reviews that are organized methodologically consist of sections that are based on the methods used in the literature found. This approach is most appropriate when you are using new methods on a research question that has already been explored.
Source: Tulane University Libraries. Comprehensive Literature Review: A Guide.