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GEOG 442: Senior Research


Research Questions and Keywords

  • How does climate change exacerbate existing social inequalities globally?
  • What are the social and economic implications of migration from rural communities in Kentucky to urban centers like Louisville or Lexington?
  • What are the spatial patterns of food deserts in mid-sized Midwestern cities, and how do they correlate with socio-economic factors, such as income level and race?

EBSCO Academic Search Complete search for "food desert" AND "united states" AND income or socioeconomic OR race

Example: "food desert" AND "United States" AND (income or socioeconomic OR race)

Finding Articles

Start your search in one of these databases to find journal articles.

In these library databases use connectors like AND, OR, NOT nested with parentheses ( ), and " quotation marks " around common phrases. 

Finding Data

Some datasets are publicly available to download or available upon request. Start by looking for government agencies that might collect this data. 

Image Licenses

When you look for image license and usage rights information, here are some of the types of licenses you might see. 

  • Copyright - All rights reserved by the creator. You may be able to argue for its use for educational purposes under fair use with attribution.
  • Creative Commons - Some rights may be reserved, such as attribution, no derivative works, share alike, or non-commercial use stipulations.
  • Public Domain - Can be used without attribution for any purpose. 

Creative Commons graphic with link to access text transcript below the image.

This work is a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Access a transcript of the graphic.

End of Session