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English 105 Biberman: Home

Understanding Scholarly Sources

Discussion Questions

  1. Identify at least three aspects of the article that indicate it is a "scholarly" source. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
  2. Read the full description linked above for the Journal of Behavioral Education. Does it seem like a credible publication? Why or why not?
  3. Who is the audience for this type of article? How is the audience different for a newspaper, magazine article, etc.?

Developing a Search Strategy

Strategy Questions

  1. Add a question related to your own research project. Open-ended questions are often preferable.
  2. Add a list of 5 or 6 keywords that you might use to search a database. Consider related words, as well as broader and narrower terms.
  3. Add a list of 2 or 3 academic subjects that might have an interest in your question.


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Rob Detmering
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