1. Write your research question
A good research question should be open-ended (not a yes or no question), focused (not too broad or too narrow), and unbiased (avoid assumptions in your question!).
✘ Do video games harm children?
✘ How do video games harm elementary school students?
✔️ What effect do video games have on mathematics learning in elementary school students?
*Note: While it's great to start with a question to guide your research, don't get too stuck on your exact question. It will probably evolve as you begin searching for information
2. Search for sources
Find information that relates to your research question. (Be sure to check your assignment guidelines to see what your source requirement is first.) Just remember, you may find sources that aren't an exact fit for your research question--that's ok! An article about the effect of a computer game on elementary students' reading skills could still be useful for your research question!
3. Read your sources
Read what you've found and take notes about how the information addresses your research question. You might need to find more sources if you still have questions, or if new questions arise!
4. Cite your sources
Use a citation style (check your professor's assignment directions), such as APA or MLA, to document when you are quoting or paraphrasing from another source.
You may also be asked to completed an annotated bibliography before you start on your research paper. An annotated bibliography includes the citation, a summary of the source, and how you plan to use it in your paper.