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Recommended Databases

Can't find what you need with the library search? Try one of these recommended databases!

These resources are specific to chemical information.

Featured eBook

Cover of CRC Handbook 97th ed.

The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics by W. M. Haynes (originating from the Chemical Rubber Company), compiles the highest quality data for chemical compounds and physical particles. All data is reviewed by experts and provides readers with important information on subjects such as chemical and laboratory safety, and nomenclature.

You can view the 97th (2017) edition as an eBook through the library, or request a copy of the newest edition (103th, 2022) as a print copy through Interlibrary Loan.

Featured Researcher Tools


Icon with magnifying glass and Google Scholar.
Icon with envelope and @ and Interlibrary Loan.
File folder icon with Zotero


Image Credits: Icons were made by Vectors Market from and are licensed by CC 3.0 BY.

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