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Celebrating Black History: Home

At the University of Louisville we recognize that the celebration of Black history deserves more than a month.

We are committed to celebrating Black history and Black excellence 365 days a year, every year.

In this guide, we want to introduce you to the tools our library has to research Black history. We want to recognize the legacy of Louisville's Black community and celebrate Black community leaders in our city today. We want to highlight the accomplishments of Black scholars across academic disciplines. We hope that as you explore the pages in this guide, you will be empowered with knowledge and tools that will inspire you to celebrate Black history in your own work. 

People holding signs at the March on Washington.March on Washington, August 28, 1963. Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash.

The University Libraries has made a commitment to diversifying its collections.

This initiative will be focused on purchasing materials written by Black scholars and materials centered on anti-racism. If you have recommendations of books or resources you think the library should have, please let us know.

You can submit your recommendation here:

You can also email your suggestions to:

Latisha Reynolds

Assistant Head of Research Assistance and Instruction

Man holds up sign that says "Liberty and Justice for All!"

Photo by Logan Weaver on Unsplash.

This guide was created in February 2021 by Alexandra Howard, Business Librarian, on behalf of the Research Assistance and Instruction department at Ekstrom Library. 

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