On-Campus Access:
Off-Campus Access
Kanopy is an educational video platform that provides UofL faculty, staff and students access to UofL purchased content.
Kanopy can be accessed at the following website: https://louisville.kanopy.com
Video Title | Expiration Date |
A Midwife's Tale | 2025-09-03 |
A Road to Home | 2026-09-22 |
Africa, I will Fleece You - Afrique, Je Te Plumerai | 2025-09-03 |
Agents of Change - The Longest Student Strike in U.S. History | 2027-03-11 |
Behind the Shield- The Power & Politics of the NFL | 2026-01-16 |
Belly of the Beast | 2025-10-07 |
Black Feminist | 2025-09-09 |
Black Is... Black Ain't - An Exploration of Black Identity | 2025-09-05 |
Black Panthers | 2025-03-28 |
Boy | 2025-10-31 |
Chisolm '72: Unbought & Unbossed | 2027-03-11 |
Ciro and Me- Ciro y Yo | 2026-02-03 |
City of Ali | 2027-07-22 |
Color Adjustment - A History of African American Portrayal on Television | 2025-07-29 |
Concerning Violence | 2026-03-18 |
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice | 2026-01-17 |
Detroit 48202- Conversations Along a Postal Route | 2025-09-17 |
Dirty Computer - Director's Cut | 2025-09-05 |
DSM5 Guided Collection 1 & 2 | 2027-09-05 |
Ethnic Notions - African American Stereotypes and Prejudice | 2025-02-01 |
Eye in the Sky | 2025-08-08 |
Eyes on the Prize - America's Civil Rights Movement 1954-1985 (Collection) | 2025-04-12 |
Faat Kine | 2025-08-30 |
Fast Fashion - The Real Price of Low Cost Fashion | 2024-11-28 |
Forbidden - Undocumented and Queer in Rural America | 2025-04-16 |
Forbidden Films - The Hidden Legacy of Nazi Film | 2025-07-25 |
Framing the Other | 2025-09-30 |
Freightened- The Real Price of Shipping | 2025-11-08 |
Gen Silent - Discrimination Against LGBT Seniors (Playlist) | 2025-03-25 |
Guyland - Where Boys Become Men | 2025-08-30 |
Hannah Arendt | 2025-08-23 |
Helvetica - Typography, Graphic Design and Global Visual Culture | 2025-10-21 |
Hiding in the Walls | 2026-01-02 |
Hopi: Songs of the Fourth World | 2025-06-24 |
How the World Dresses: Clothing and Global Culture | 2027-11-13 |
ICD 10 Guided Child & Adolescent Series, Vol 2 (Playlist) | 2027-01-31 |
Ken Burns: Muhammad Ali (Collection) | 2025-07-22 |
Ken Burns: The Dust Bowl (Collection) | 2025-10-24 |
Ken Burns: the National Parks (Collection) | 2025-07-22 |
Killing Us Softly - Advertising's Image of Women | 2025-10-04 |
La Bete Humaine | 2026-01-23 |
La Promesse | 2025-08-19 |
Land of Opportunity | 2025-09-18 |
Latinos Beyond Reel (Playlist) | 2025-07-03 |
Last Train Home- Migration in China | 2026-02-18 |
Le Havre | 2025-09-09 |
LGBTQ Youth of New York City | 2025-09-03 |
Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/ Feeling Heart | 2025-08-30 |
Machuca | 2026-1-11 |
Maquilapolis: City of Factories | 2025-11-06 |
Mickey Mouse Monopoly-Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power | 2025-02-13 |
Moonlight | 2025-09-05 |
More than a Word - Native American-Based Sports Mascots | 2025-10-09 |
N!ai, the Story of a !Kung Woman (Playlist) | 2025-05-14 |
Once in a Lifetime | 2025-10-14 |
One Woman, One Vote | 2025-09-03 |
Paris is Burning | 2025-09-03 |
Post Truth Times | 2025-08-30 |
Queen Margot - La Reine Margot | 202510-28 |
Race - The Power of an Illusion (Playlist) | 2026-10-27 |
Rashomon | 2025-08-21 |
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind | 2025-12-04 |
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy | 2026-03-14 |
Sembene! the Father of African Cinema | 2025-08-30 |
Sisters with Transistors | 2025-08-26 |
Stolen Education | 2025-05-10 |
Sweet Bean | 2025-11- 12 |
The 400 Blows - Les Quatre Cents Coups | 2027-02-22 |
The Battle of Algiers | 2025-08-08 |
The Edge of Each Other's Battles | 2025-09-09 |
The Exiles | 2026-01-07 |
The Florida Project | 2025-03-28 |
The Great Dictator | 2025-08-08 |
The Harder they Come | 2025-08-30 |
The Road to Brown | 2026-01-11 |
The Same Difference- Gender Roles in the Black Lesbian Community | 2026-02-27 |
The Trials of Muhammad Ali | 2025-07-22 |
The Vote (Playlist) | 2025-09-09 |
The Women's Balcony | 2025-10-14 |
The Workshop - L'atelier | 2025-11-06 |
Tough Guise - Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity (Playlist) | 2026-09-06 |
Tough Guise 2 - Violence, Manhood & American Culture | 2025-10-09 |
Unnatural Causes (Collection) | 2026-11-20 |
Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth | 2026-09-11 |
Uproar | 2025-10-08 |
Urbanized - the Issues and Strategies Behind Urban Design | 2025-01-18 |
What's My Name: Muhammad Ali (Collection) | 2025-7-22 |
Young Lakota - A Native American Leader Fights for Reproductive Rights | 2025-10-07 |
Disclaimer: UofL Libraries is not responsible for the content linked from these sites. We cannot guarantee the availability of the content they provide, nor assume responsibility for the functionality of these sites. In addition, content listed below is protected under copyright and as such, any redistribution or reproduction is prohibited.