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ANTH 325: Anthropology of Latin America: Latin American News Sources

WorldCat Local

Using our catalog WorldCat Local can help you find books that will provide you with background information/context for your Latin American current events paper.


These websites have compiled links to numerous newspapers covering current events in Latin America, many of which are in Spanish.

Other LibGuides

Below are a few LibGuides created by other university librarians that provide lists of Latin American news resources by region and/or country, many of which are in Spanish.

Select News Sources for Latin American Current Events

Below are some news resources and/or newspapers that will provide you with news on current events in Latin America. There are numerous resources available on the free web that will provide news on Latin America current events in both English and Spanish.

For more resources, particularly Spanish language news resources, refer to the Websites and LibGuides sections to the left.

Databases for News


Many databases feature newspaper and/or magazine resources. The ones listed below will enable you to find news on current events in Latin America. While some of these include scholarly journal articles, check out our Research Guides for any Social Science discipline to find some other useful databases.

Subject Librarian


Lidiya Grote

Social Sciences Teaching and Faculty Outreach Librarian

Ekstrom Library

Research Institutes

Listed here are a few examples of where to look for reports from think tanks, research institutes (that may or may not be affiliated with universities), and government agencies.

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