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Ekstrom Library

ANTH 379: Ceramic Analysis (Browne Ribeiro)

UofL Library Catalog

How to Locate Site Reports

What's a Site Report? 

Site reports are foundational sources of archaeological excavations. They provide basic and detailed information on what is found at archaeological sites, including artifacts and features of the site. Site reports include information such as the location and size of an archaeological site, details about its chronological placement, the extent to which the site has been excavated, as well as artifacts, maps, photographs, and more. This can provide other archaeologists with what has been found and researched at a site over a period of time, and allows them to interpret and compare. 

Site reports can be published in books, or as chapters in books or journal articles. 

How a Site Report can help your research

These sources of information can provide you with points of comparison for your final project, and/or can help you in identifying attributes and tools for describing the attributes as requested in your research design and protocol (assignment 5). 

Tips for Locating Site Reports

  1. Search excavations archaeology [site/region/country] in the library catalog. 
  2. Try using the following words along with your region/country/site or an artifact (e.g. ceramics) that you're researching: 
    1. excavation
    2. antiquities 
    3. archaeology
    4. site
    5. report