Jove – A database that includes experimental videos and protocols in biology, chemistry, engineering, medicine, physics, and psychology.
PhET – Developed by the University of Colorado Boulder, these interactive simulations cover topics in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Engineering, and Mathematics. You can sort simulations by level and they offer over a hundred video geared towards university students.
MERLOT – Includes animations, assignments, courses, textbooks, exams, simulations, and presentations on all STEM disciplines. Using ‘Filter By’ on the left hand side of the screen you can narrow results by discipline or audience (College General Ed to Graduate School).
LearnChemE – Focused on Chemical Engineering and developed by the University of Colorado Boulder. Includes screencasts, interactive simulations, and instructor resources. They are also hosting a webinar today, March 12th at 12pm EST.
OASIS – Open Educational Resources that includes textbooks, modules, podcasts, simulations, and courses in all STEM disciplines.
VAL Virtual Analytical Lab – Videos that teach lab skills in Biology, Chemistry, and Microbiology.
openstax - Includes textbooks in all STEM fields in both pdf format and web versions at no cost to students.
ChemCollective - Developed by Carnegie Mellon University, includes resources to teach and learn chemistry online.
When using any open educational resource (OER), ensure that you are vetting for quality and crediting the creator even if the product uses an open license. For more information or to learn more about OER’s, please see the Open Educational Resources Network.
With Panopto, you can create multiple choice, true/false, long answer quizzes within your lecture videos. You can also insert videos from other resources to supplement your lecture. Find more information on how to use Panopto here: