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SOC 450: Religion and Labor (Kofman): Home

SOC 450 Pre-Library Session Homework Exercise

The goal of this Research Guide is to provide you with the technical skills you'll need to search in Sociological Abstracts and other databses for your Religion and Labor literature review. This will allow us to focus on any specific questions you have about searching in the library session on February 14, and to focus on more hands-on exercises.

To complete the homework, you may want to briefly review the questions on the Homework Exercise tab. From there, watch the Sociological Abstracts database tutorial on the Database Video tab. Then, please return to the Homework Exercise and complete it. 

Homework Due Date

Please complete the homework exercise by Monday, 2/12, so I can review your homework the day before our class meets. It may help to bring a printed copy of your homework responses to the library session on February 14, though it is not necessary. 

Questions? Contact me!

If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me - my information is on the right-hand side of this page. 

Subject Librarian


Lidiya Grote

Social Sciences Teaching and Faculty Outreach Librarian

Ekstrom Library