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POLS 495: American Political Thought (Matarese): Book #1

Your Source

Baxter, M. G. (1995). Henry Clay and the American system. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky.

Questions to Address in Evaluating your Source

With your group, look through the record of the book in the catalog

  1. Who is the author of this book? The publisher? How does this influence your evaluation of the book? 
  2. Looking over the summary of the book, what research question(s) could this source help you answer if you were to write a paper on Henry Clay and his contributions to American political thought? What other questions does this source generate? 
  3. List 3-5 keywords you would search if you wanted to find more sources on Henry Clay based on what you've discovered from looking at the aforementioned portions of your book. 

How your Source was Located

Your source was located using the library catalog, WorldCat Discovery, which can be located on the main page of the library website or via the Books tab on this research guide. 

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