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POLS 384: Democracy and its Critics (Matarese): Books

Books: About

How Books can Contribute to your Research on a Political Theorist or a Democratic Theory

As you have likely noticed from your course readings in the requested texts for 384, books provide a solid foundation on a topic. Their length allows them to go into detail about the varied aspects of their subject. For example, Charles Edward Merriam's American Political Ideas: Studies in the Development of American Political Thought, 1865-1917, provides a detailed look American political thought, with several parts focused on democracy during a certain timeframe.

In other cases, books can be edited and contain chapters by unique authors addressing certain aspects of a situation, Bryan-Paul Frost and Jeffrey Sikkenga's History of American Political Thought, which provides a detailed look into the evolution of American political thought since the early 17th century, with specific authors focusing on different timeframes by chapter, with some of them focusing on democracy in particular.

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