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POLS 333: American Foreign Policy (Ziegler): Home

Introduction to the POLS 333: American Foreign Policy Research Guide

This guide is designed to orient you to relevant resources recommended to help you locate information for your research papers. The resources on this guide are designed to help you support your paper with empirical evidence. 

Contents will include the following types of resources to help you locate relevant research for your paper:

  • Databases for scholarly journal articles
  • Web sources & databases for data, statistics, and public opinion
  • Books for background information
    • Refer to the Reference Sources tab as well as the subject headings below on this Home page
  • Databases for news articles
  • Government agencies, documents, and search tips 
  • American foreign policy websites 
  • Interest Group & Public Opinion websites

Search the Catalog: Books, Articles, & Government Documents

This content is on the main page of your research guide as it will allow you to search for a multitude of sources using our catalog WorldCat Discovery, which can be located at the main library webpage. 

WorldCat Discovery contains books, scholarly journal articles, government publications, and more. This is a good place to start looking for books, which will help provide you with background information. As well, it's a good place to start off when you're searching for other sources as well, though you'll notice you will get many more results in WorldCat than you do with a database. That being said, as you progress, you might want to go directly to a database for scholarly journal articles. 

Search the following subject headings (these are classifications -- more detailed than keywords and essentially like searching a hashtag) to retrieve information relevant to American Foreign Policy:

United States--Foreign Relations--Sources

Other relevant subject headings include: 

Africa - Foreign Relations - United States 

Asia - Foreign Relations - United States 

Europe - Foreign Relations - United States

Latin America - Foreign Relations - United States 

Middle East - Foreign Relations - United States 

Soviet Union - Foreign Relations - United States 

Subject Librarian


Lidiya Grote

Social Sciences Teaching and Faculty Outreach Librarian

Ekstrom Library

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