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Louisville's 1961 Civil Rights Demonstrations: Resources

50 Years Later...
Examining Louisville's 1961 Civil Rights Demonstrations


More information on Louisville's 1961 Civil Rights Demonstrations and the Sit-In Movement are available from the following sources.

On Louisville

K'Meyer, Tracy E. Civil Rights in the Gateway to the South: Louisville, Kentucky, 1945-1980. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2009.

Kentucky Historical Society. Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky Oral History Project.

Kentucky Historical Society. Living the story: the civil rights movement in Kentucky.

Wright, George C. History of Blacks in Kentucky. Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society, 1992.

On the Sit-In Movement

Miles, Wolff. Lunch at the Five and Ten: The Greensboro Sit-ins. New York: Stein and Day, 1970.

Oppenheimer, Martin. The Sit-in Movement of 1960. Brooklyn: Carlson, 1989.

The International Civil Rights Center & Museum

Other Resources

University of Louisville Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research

Online Tour of Louisville's Civil Rights History compiled by the Anne Braden Institute

University of Louisville Archives & Special Collections

Lunch at the 5 & 10 The Greensboro Sit Ins by Miles Wolff