The following accessibility issues come up in our monthly scan, but haven't been corrected. See each item for a description of the issue and our response.
All onclick handlers should have an equivalent onkeyup or onkeydown handler.
Guideline WCAG 2.1 AA; Priority 1
The issue is produced by the script that writes the code for the news RSS feed. Feedwind, the company that provides the RSS code, has been contacted.
Headings should not be empty.
Guideline WCAG 2.1 AA; Priority 2
The headings for this page generate via javascript. They do appear, but not before the accessibility checker does its check.
The element a must not appear as a descendant of the button element.
Guideline WCAG 2.1 AA; Priority 2
The code that creates the subpage navigation adds an extra quote mark. The navigation still works. This issue has been reported to Springshare, the company that provides the content management software.