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ThinkIR: Submitting your Work

Please note: The EVPRI office has licensed a new system, Symplectic Elements, to manage faculty profile information. Libraries personnel will be working with them to migrate existing bepress profiles to the extent possible. Once the new system goes live (tentatively Fall 2024), our team will be focusing on continuing to expand open access to UofL scholarship via ThinkIR. Those who wish to make the scholarship on their Elements profile open access can continue to contact to request our team to research publication agreements and upload acceptable versions to ThinkIR/Digital Commons, which the faculty member may then link the PDF in our repository to their Elements profile.

ThinkIR Staff Mediated Deposit


What version do you have?

Preprint (or Author’s Original Manuscript): your original, non-peer-reviewed manuscript initially submitted to a publisher.

Postprint (or Accepted Manuscript): a peer-reviewed version of your article, prior to publisher “add-ons” such as formatting, proofreading, pagination, etc.

Version of Record (or Published Version): your final, published article (typically in PDF form, provided by the publisher). Usually not permitted to be deposited into the IR.

Submitting your Scholarship to ThinkIR

Before you submit:

Check your publication agreement(s) or visit Sherpa ROMEO to find what versions of your work can be added to a non-commercial repository. If you have any questions, reach out to

To add your scholarship to ThinkIR, use the following steps:

  1. Visit the Faculty and Staff Scholarship page on ThinkIR: Faculty and Staff Scholarship | University of Louisville
  2. From the righthand column, choose "Submit Research."
  3. Login using your ULink username (without the and password.
  4. Read the Submission Form for Faculty and Staff Scholarship, including the Nonexclusive License to Electronically Disseminate Faculty Scholarship. It is recommended that you print and retain a copy of this agreement for your records.
  5. Check the box to agree to the terms and click "Continue."
  6. Complete the submission form, including following instructions for all required fields. It is highly recommended that you include keywords and disciplines to make your work more discoverable.
  7. If the publisher of your work requires a set statement to be included, that can go in the "Comments" field.
  8. Be sure to include your ORCID number. If you do not have one, sign up at: ORCID
  9. Upload your paper (PDF preferred, but other file types will convert).
  10. If you plan to include additional or supplemental files, please check the box under "Additional Files" before you click "Submit."
  11. Once uploaded, your submission will be held in a queue and reviewed by ThinkIR Staff before it appears on the repository site.


Please contact:

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