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Music Theory: Finding Books

Finding Books

To search for music theory books in the library, use our library's catalog.

Nearly all music theory books are located on the 3rd floor of the music library, and have call numbers that begin with MT, though there are several areas in the ML section that contain music theory related books. Below is a general guide of where music theory books are located in the library:

Music Library Call Numbers based on Subject
Call Numbers Subject
MT 5.5 Music Theory through 1600
MT 6 Music Theory-General Works
MT 50 Harmony
MT 55 Counterpoint/Polyphony
MT 90 - MT 146 Analysis of Musical Compositions
ML 430 - ML 455 Composition/Style/Notation/Harmony/Counterpoint/Form
ML 3800 - ML 3817 Philosophical Aspects of Music-Tonality/Atonality/Scales/Rhythm/Form

If we do not have a book that you need, please fill out an online order recommendation form. We will promptly purchase the book, notify you when it arrives, and place it on hold for you at the circulation desk.

If a particular book is out-of-print or otherwise unavailable for purchase, we can still obtain it for you via our free interlibrary loan service. Interlibrary loan allows us to borrow materials from other libraries around the world, at no cost to you. If you would like to make an interlibrary loan for a book or journal article that we do not own, please complete the interlibrary loan request form.

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