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Finding Aid for the Isidore Philipp Archive: Articles

Series 6: Articles

The articles written by Philipp and those written by others about Philipp were published, in the main, in widely distributed publications. They are listed here to make them known to scholars and for in-house research. Reprints of these articles should be sought directly from the publishers. Requests may be made for copies of items produced by the University of Louisville or those that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

  1. Articles by Isidor Philipp
    1. "L’Analyse de l’oeuvre de Chopin," Musica, 142, July 1914: 134
    2. "Les Ballades de Chopin," Musica, May 1914: 96
    3. "Beethoven pianiste," La Guide du concert, 15 February 1913
    4. "Busoni," Musica, June 1913: 108
    5. "Causeries sur le Jeu du Piano--I," Le Ménestrel, 6 March 1925: 109-10
    6. "Causeries sur le Jeu du Piano--II," Le Ménestrel, 7 August 1925: 337-38
    7. "Causeries sur l'enseignement du piano--I," Musica, November 1902: 31-32
    8. "Causeries sur l'enseignement du piano--II," Musica, January 1903: 64
    9. "Le Centenaire de C. Saint-Saëns," Le Monde musical, 31 October 1935: 286
    10. "Charles-Marie Widor," Le Monde musical, 31 March 1937: 722
    11. "Charles-Marie Widor: A Portrait," The Musical Quarterly, April 1944: 125-32
    12. "A Chat on Pianoforte Technique," Musical Courier, 15 June 1929: 8, 35
    13. "Chopin's Nocturne, Op. 32, No. 2," The Etude, January 1940: 28, 58-59
    14. "The Concert Hall of the Paris Conservatoire," The Etude, October 1905: 397-98
    15. "L'édition populaire de musique classique en France," Bulletin Musical, October 1918: 4
    16. "Etudes and Exercises for the Pianist," The Musician, May 1916: 266-67
    17. "Les Etudes de Chopin," La Musique, March 1923: 42-44
    18. "The Etudes of Chopin and How They Ought to be Practiced," The Etude, February 1920: 79-80
    19. "The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 1," The Etude, July 1928: 509-10
    20. "The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 2," The Etude, August 1928: 583-84
    21. "The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 3," The Etude, September 1928: 665, 695
    22. "The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 4," The Etude, October 1928: 743, 7893
    23. “The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 5," The Etude, November 1928: 829, 871
    24. "The Evolution of Piano-Playing and Virtuosity--Part 6," The Etude, December 1928: 919-20
    25. "Foremost Points in Piano Playing," The Musical Observer, May 1931: 7, 24
    26. "For the Hundredth Anniversary of Camille Saint-Saëns," Tempo, October 1935: 8-9
    27. "The French National Conservatory of Music," The Musical Quarterly, April 1920: 214-26
    28. "Georges Bizet pianiste," Musica, June 1912: 113
    29. "Highlights in the Art of Teaching the Piano--I," The Etude, March 1942: 150, 209
    30. "Highlights in the Art of Teaching the Piano--II," The Etude, April 1942: 226, 283
    31. "Highlights in the Art of Teaching the Piano--III," The Etude, May 1942: 306, 342
    32. "How to Become a Better Pianist," The Etude, February 1937: 79-80
    33. "The Ideal Teacher for the Ideal Instrument," The Etude, September 1937: 570
    34. "In a Garden of Genius," The Etude, July 1940: 445, 488
    35. "Liszt, élève de Czerny," Le Monde musical, 28 February 1939: 64-654
    36. "Liszt jugé par les Maîtres Contemporains," Musica, No. 109, Octobre 1911
    37. "A Master Lesson on the Chopin Etude, Opus 25, No. 2," The Etude, September 1929: 653, 687, 692
    38. "A Master Lesson Upon Chopin's 'Aeolian Harp' Etude, Opus 25, No. 1," The Etude, May 1931: 334, 372, 377
    39. "Mendelssohn pianiste," Musica, August 1914: 151
    40. "The Paris Conservatory," The Musician, February 1906: 1
    41. "Paris in the 'Golden Days,'" Musical Courier, 15 November 1951: 8-9
    42. "Personal Recollections of Anton Rubinstein," The Etude, August 1938: 493-94
    43. "Le Pianiste E.-M. Delaborde," Musica, October 1912: 209
    44. "Le Piano et La Virtuosité," Le Ménestrel, 16 Octobre 1931, 429-431
    45. "Le Piano et La Virtuosité," Le Ménestrel, 23 Octobre 1931, 437-439
    46. "Le Piano et La Virtuosité," Le Ménestrel, 30 Octobre 1931, 449-451
    47. "Le Piano et La Virtuosité," Le Ménestrel, 6 Novembre 1931, 461-463
    48. "Piano Lessons from the Masters of Yesteryear," The Etude, August 1931: 543-44
    49. "Piano Music of the Present," The Etude, December 1905: 493, 514
    50. "Points on Piano Teaching," The Etude, March 1952: 5, 505
    51. "Points on Piano Study," The Etude, April 1952: 10, 64 (2 copies)
    52. "Les Prélude et fugue No. 20 de Bach," Musica, March 1912: 57
    53. "Les Préludes de Chopin--I," Musica, August 1913: 165
    54. "Les Préludes de Chopin--II," Musica, September 1913: 172
    55. "Les Quatre Impromptus de Chopin," Musica, July 1914: 134
    56. "Quelques Souvenirs de Busoni," Musique et Théâtre, 1 June 1925: 5
    57. "Recollections of Leopold Godowsky," in A Birthday Offering to Carl Engel. New York: G. Schirmer, 1943: pp. 179-80
    58. "Reflections on the Art of Piano Playing," The Etude, January 1931: 15
    59. "Saint-Saëns pianiste et organiste," Musica, June 1907: 90
    60. "Secrets of a Master Technic," The Etude, December 1929: 884
    61. "Some Recollections of Stephen Heller," The Musical Quarterly, October 1935: 432-36
    62. "Some Recollections of Busoni," The Fontainebleau Alumni Bulletin, Vol. 4 January 1930
    63. “Some Reflections on Piano Playing” [booklet]. Paris: Durand, 1928
    64. "A Souvenir of Busoni," Musical Opinion, August 1925: 1110
    65. "Three Russian Giants," The Musical Digest, October November 1948: 18, 19, 22
    66. "Talks on Playing the Piano," The Etude, October 1925: 687
    67. "What the Piano Student is Expected to Accomplish at the Paris Conservatoire," The Etude, April 1914: 251-52
    68. "What Gives Brilliancy to Pianoforte Playing," The Etude, August 1918: 501
  2. Articles about Philipp by varied authors
    1. "The Artistic World of Fernando Laires," by Nancy Bachus, Clavier, March 1994, 6
      1. “A Biography of Isidor Philipp,” c 1994 by Charles Timbrell, unpublished version, commissioned in December 1992 by the University of Louisville Dwight Anderson Music Library and deposited in the Isidor Philipp Archive by the author. (2 copies) see: 1b below
      2. “Isidor Philipp: His Life and Legacy,” by Charles Timbrell, Journal of the American Liszt Society, Volume 40 (July – December 1996) [Ed: this is a slightly revised version of the biography of I. Philipp commissioned by the University of Louisville Dwight Anderson Music Library. Timbrell wrote in the Journal of the American Liszt Society, Volume 35, January–June 1994, p 59: “In December 1992, I was engaged to catalog the collection and to write a biography of Philipp.” Richard Spalding’s review and corrections to errata of this published version of the biography may be found on the Dwight Anderson Music Library website:
    2. "Busoni and Philipp, " by Ester Fisher, RECORDED SOUND, Lecture given at the Institute, 6 December 1961 ( Isidor Philipp Discography)7
    3. "Frédéric Chopin, l’être de fuite," par Marcel Schneider, Le Monde de la Musique #234, Juillet-Aôut 1999, 39
      1. “CLASSES DES éLéVES HOMMES,” (Session of Saturday 21 July) 1ers prix: MM. Philipp, éléve de M. G. Mathias; Chansarel, éléve de M. Marmontel. Le MéNESTREL, 5 August 1883 (three copies)
      2. CONCERTS ET SOIRéES,Le MéNESTREL, April 14, 1889, 119, mention with praise of a performance of Emilie Philipp, sister of Isidor Philipp and a performance of Isidor Philipp
    4. "The Isidor Philipp Archive at the University of Louisville," by Charles Timbrell, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LISZT SOCIETY, VoL.35 January-June 1994, 59, 60
    5. "The New Etude Gallery of Musical Celebrities," (bio I.P) The Etude, September 1929, 659
    6. "Notre Concours De Virtuoses," Musica, No, 102 Mars 1911
    7. "A Master Speaks of the Masters," by Maurice Dumesnil, The Etude, March 1947, 124
    8. "MEDAILLONS CONTEMPORAINS," par Hugues Imbert, Librairie Fischbacher, 1902 excerpt photocopied: pp 22-25 concerning Emile Bernard, with citations about I. Philipp, p 206 citing prominent pianists in Europe, among them “Philipp”
    9. "Philipp Compares Pianists – Past and Present," by Rafael Kammerer, Musical America, December 1955, 16
    10. "Tales of Isidor Philipp," by Maurice Dumesnil, The Etude, October 1947, 5638
    11. "Teacher’s Roundtable," by Maurice Dumesnil, World’s Greatest Teachers The Etude, January 1954, 23
  3. Varied Published Writings (excerpts, clippings, newspapers etc.)
    1. “Camille Decreus” The Fontainebleau Alumni Buletin, Music: Vol. XVII, No.1, January, 1940, edition dedicated to the memory of Camille Decreus, “Decreus was one of Isidor Philipp’s assistants in the piano department at Fontainebleau in 1921, the first year of the Music School”
    2. "Le Conservatoire Américain de Fontainebleau," from Gaby Casadesus’ autobiography, Mes noces musicales 1989
    3. “A Corigliano-Philipp connection,” by Joy Stephens, from Gamut, The Newsletter of the Dwight D. Anderson Memorial Music Library, Vol. 3, No. 2, ISSN 1052-7044, Spring 1992
    4. “The Dwight Anderson Memorial Music Library of the University of Louisville is establishing an Isidore Philipp Archive” NOTES, The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association tear sheets from the September 1977 issue
    5. "Famed Pianist to Visit U of L," The Courier-Journal, November 9, 1941
    6. "Frenchman to Give Piano Lessons at U of L November 10," (1941) The Courier-Journal
    7. "A Master’s Hands," Steinway News, March 1955, 2
    8. "Music: Godowsky Letter Added to Anderson Collection," The Courier-Journal, Louisville, November 23, 19419
    9. “The Past Has A Future: Special Collections in the Anderson Library” “The Isidore Philipp Archive and Memorial Library” by Richard Griscom, Librarian, from Friends of the School of Music, Winter 1994, Vol. 3, No. 2
    10. “Isidor Philipp Always Taught With Dignity and Few Words,” by Fernando Laires, article in Clavier, May/June 2003; two photos from the Isidor Philipp Archive at the University of Louisville
    11. "Isidor Philipp" Former Faculty Members In The News, Fontainebleau Alumni Bulletin, Music: Volume XXVI, No. 1 April 1951. Gift: Richard Spalding
    12. "I. Philipp", in French, p. 357; [title of publication not included] brief biography published before Philipp was employed by the Paris National Conservatory; list of Philipp’s published music at the time
    13. "The Isidor Philipp Archive," Program by Charles Timbrell, Denine LeBlanc and Alice Cash, U of L School of Music Recital Hall, 27 February 1994; See Series 9: Memorabilia, Section B: 25
    14. "The Isidor Philipp Archive of the Dwight Anderson Memorial Music Library," by Richard Spalding, U of L School of Music Alumni Newsletter, Fall 1993
    15. "The Philipp Archives Enrich Louisville’s French Connections," by F. W. Woolsey, Friends of the School of Music, Winter 1994, Vol. 3, No. 2; (see Series 9: Memorabilia, B Photos: #29)[original photo, by Louis Moseson, of music librarian Joy Stephens with Richard Spalding, archivist, Emeritus Professor, examining Philipp Archive material]
    16. "The Isidor Phillip Collection," brochure of The American Liszt Society, 199710
    17. "Isidor Philipp Archives and Memorial Library," Fontainebleau Alumni Bulletin, May 1977, 3
    18. "Isidor Philipp at 90 Pursues Active Career," The New York Times, 6 September 1953
    19. Isidor Philipp obituaries: London Times, The New York Times, Le Monde, Musical America, MUSICAL COURIER, THE MUSICAL TIMES
    20. "Rubinstein, A Life" by Harvey Sachs, Grove Press, 290. 291, 331; quotes and citations of I. Philipp
    21. "Sad Old Man Leaves Heart in Native Paris," The Courier-Journal, November 1941
    22. “Le Souvenir d’Isidore Philipp,” Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, Molsheim, Sunday 16 December 2001, Pub #296, article about a concert given by Antarès Féle-Diàm “en homage au grand pianiste Isidore Philipp.” Photo I. Philipp, Ch.- Marie Widor and Ferruccio Busoni.
      1. “The Teaching Philosophy of Isidor Philipp” by Denine LeBlanc, Clavier, February 1996, 14-17
    23. “A Tribute To the Late Raoul Laparra, French Composer,” The New York Times, Sunday May 4, 1952. Photo with caption: “A memorial program to the composer killed during the war will be held at Town Hall Saturday Afternoon. Among the artists: left, Isidor Philipp, the veteran [----], John Corigliano, violinist; upper right Mildah Polia, soprano, and lower right [----]. The program will be devoted almost entirely to Laparra’s music.”
    24. “Two Holographs From Rome in A North American Archive” [Liszt to: 1) G. Sgambati, 2) an Erard Representative]. Article in Liszt 11 Saeculum, Vol II/I 1991/92 Number 47/48 by Pauline Pocknell, M.A., about two F. Liszt letters in the Isidor Philipp Archive given to Dwight Anderson by Isidor Philipp. (see Series 8: Correspondence D: 1,2)
    25. Two newspaper clippings, undated, the second fragment signed Q.D.: Concert, Sunday March 20, 1955, Carnegie Recital Hall, New York, of the performance, by Isidor Philipp and John Corigliano, of the Sonata, Piano and Violin by César Franck (written in pencil: “Tribune”); see Series 9: A:8 (Memorabilia) for Program [articles placed with Program of this concert in black binder, inside back cover, of Series 8: C]
    26. Isidore Philipp Discography list published in Recorded Sound. The Archive holds only page 248 and this page appears elsewhere in the Archive. The Philipp discography is divided into three sections: 1. Published records played by Philipp; 2. Unpublished records played by Philipp; 3. Records of works by Philipp
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