Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment by Cecilia A. Essau; Paul DelfabbroAdolescent Addiction, Second Edition, offers researchers and clinicians a single-volume resource on the nature, extent and treatment of addictive problems in adolescents. The book is divided into three main parts. Part one addresses the foundations of addictive problems, including developmental, social, and neurobiologicl factors. Part two addresses common addictions among adolescents. New chapters include e-cigarette, smartphone, social networking, and exercise addiction. Part three discusses challenges and recommendations for future research in adolescent addiction. All chapters in part two follow a similar format to introduction and clinical characteristics, screening and clinical assessment methods, epidemiology, cormorbidity, course and outcome, protective and risk factors, evidence-based clinical strategies for prevention and treatment, and a concise summary of key clinical points.
ISBN: 9780128186268
Publication Date: 2020
Adolescent Psychosis: Clinical and Scientific Perspectives by Ingrid Agartz; Runar E. SmelrorAdolescent Psychosis: Clinical and Scientific Perspectives presents new methodologies and novel scientific findings, with a comprehensive orientation into the genetics, phenomenology, nosology, and long-term outcome of adolescent early-onset psychosis research. This volume discusses recent epidemiological studies, along with co-morbid aspects associated with other neurodevelopmental syndromes and somatic diseases. The book also provides suggestions for future research using a translational perspective, from genes to the clinic to and relevant phenotypes, biomarkers, treatment options and etiological aspects. Topics discussed bring together expert researchers in the field to represent different perspectives and future possibilities.
ISBN: 9780323898324
Publication Date: 2023
Assessing and Treating Youth Exposed to Traumatic Stress by Victor G. CarriónAssessing and Treating Youth Exposed to Traumatic Stress is a cogent, caring, and comprehensive response to the reality that many children live lives of constant threat, fear, and confusion while lacking opportunities for positive social interactions, stimulation, and empowerment. Although the book is written for mental health clinicians, teachers and others who support traumatized youth will find this book an essential addition to their professional libraries. Identifying these children is the first step, and the importance of careful assessment through use of the clinical interview--in both individual and group settings--is emphasized. In addition, the population with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly diverse in terms of presentation and target symptoms, and the book explores differences in type, duration, and accumulation of trauma; age of insult; stress vulnerability; family history; and other individual factors. Nearly a dozen of treatment options are presented in the book, and they are distinguished by setting, such as clinic, home, or school, and modality, such as psychotherapy or pharmacology. Attention is also paid to preventive measures, most of which are school- or group-based, to increase resiliency where possible. The book addresses critically important issues in treating young people with PTSD in chapters that are articulate, accessible, and actionable: * Because PTSD rarely exists alone, suggestions on how to manage the challenging issues surrounding common comorbidities, such as mood and anxiety disorders, are examined in depth. Even when individuals do not meet the full clinical criteria for PTSD, elevated rates of mood and anxiety disorders have been identified.* A separate posttraumatic diagnosis for preschool children was introduced in DSM-5, and the book highlights the special sensitivity and careful questioning necessary to elicit detailed histories and contextualize trauma in the very young because of their limited vocabulary and concrete thinking.* Although psychosocial treatments are the first line of intervention when treating youth with PTSD symptoms, there is a role for pharmacological treatment, and a separate chapter is devoted to the use of medications. * Whenever appropriate, the chapters take a developmental approach to illustrate how treatment techniques are applied to preschoolers, school-age children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth.* In today's era of mass shootings and natural disasters, there is great need for effective interventions for large groups of young people. The chapters on school-based assessment and interventions present information on screening; disaster prevention, response, and recovery programs; and evidence-based targeted trauma intervention across developmental levels. The editor, Director of the Stanford University Early Life Stress Research Program in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, has assembled a list of contributors who are at the forefront of clinical research in this important area of focus, and Assessing and Treating Youth Exposed to Traumatic Stress reflects the authors' belief that society, as a whole, must ensure that children who face adversity have the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
Autism Spectrum Disorders by Eric Hollander; Randi Hagerman; Deborah FeinIn DSM-5, published in 2013, the classification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was created, subsuming several diagnoses and representing a significant evolution from its first appearance in the DSM-III three decades earlier. Autism Spectrum Disorders reflects this evolution, offering clinicians and families a succinct, definitive, and up-to-date guide to current research in the field and its impact on assessment and treatment. The book begins with the epidemiology of ASDs, which have increased in prevalence, and explores genetic heritability and environmental risk factors. It then explains the roles of the psychiatrist, neurologist and pediatrician in assessing the patient, examines assessment tools and processes, and describes the latest advances in a variety of treatments and interventions. The text's focus is on educating and empowering families and health care providers to determine whether appropriate genetic testing and counseling have been undertaken, whether the individual has had the relevant assessment, and whether skilled behavioral treatment and additional medical assessment or treatment are required. Specifically, the text: * Reviews existing prevalence estimates for ASDs since 2000 and discusses methodological factors impacting the estimation of prevalence and the interpretation of changes in prevalence estimates over time.* Evaluates genomic and epigenomic research over the last decade in the context of translating findings to practice, in terms of testing (e.g., copy number variants and whole-exome sequencing) and counseling.* Examines the role of environmental toxicity in immune dysregulation, which has now been noted among individuals with ASD and their family members by numerous studies. * Reviews medical and cognitive assessments that may be needed.* Reviews targeted treatments that have the potential to reverse neurobiological abnormalities in ASD* Reviews behavioral treatments that are effective in promoting development and improving behavior.* Describes the Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based (DIR) model, a comprehensive developmental theory with relevance across the lifespan, which targets the core deficits of ASD identified in DSM-5.* Provides an overview of school-based interventions for students with autism, exploring the rationale for conducting school-based research and examining existing teacher-, paraprofessional-, and peer-mediated interventions school-based interventions.* Explores other approaches to ASDs, such as complementary and integrative approaches and non-invasive brain stimulation technologies, including transcranial magnetic stimulation. The push for early screening is resulting in earlier diagnosis of ASDs and the provision of evidence-based interventions that have a positive impact on outcomes. Autism Spectrum Disorders provides a bench-to-bedside guide that is essential reading for health care providers and families facing the challenges inherent in these complex disorders.
ISBN: 9781615370528
Publication Date: 2018
Clinical Research in Paediatric Psychopharmacology: A Practival Overview of the Ethical, Scientific, and Regulatory Aspects by Philippe AubyClinical Research in Paediatric Psychopharmacology: An Overview of the Ethical, Scientific and Regulatory Aspects provides a practical guide and overview of the ethical, scientific and regulatory aspects of clinical research in pediatric psychopharmacology, also discussing practical points to consider when developing clinical research in this field. The book is ideal for professionals involved in clinical research in pediatric psychopharmacology, i.e., including, but not limited to pediatricians, health care professionals, researchers, investigators, pharmaceutical company personals and potentially ethics committee members. Topics discussed include the role of patient organization and advocacy groups in research, the role of families and patients: 'should I involve my kid in clinical research, and historical, ethical, regulatory, clinical, scientific, intercultural and practical aspects of clinical research in child and adolescent psychopharmacology.
ISBN: 9780081006160
Publication Date: 2020
The Clinician's Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Eric A. Storch; Joseph F. McGuire; Dean McKayThe Clinician's Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder brings together a wealth of experts on pediatric and adolescent OCD, providing novel cognitive behavioral strategies and considerations that therapists can immediately put into practice. The book provides case studies and example metaphors on how to explain exposure models to children in a developmentally appropriate manner. The book also instructs clinicians on how to use symptom information and rating scales to develop an appropriate exposure hierarchy. The book is arranged into two major sections: assessment and treatment of childhood OCD and special considerations in treating childhood OCD. Each chapter is structured to include relevant background and empirical support for the topic at hand, practical discussion of the nature and implementation of the core component (such as exposure and response prevention, cognitive therapy, psychoeducation and more), and a case illustration that highlights the use of a particular technique.
ISBN: 9780128114278
Publication Date: 2017
Clinician's Toolkit for Children's Behavioral Health by Michele KnoxClinician's Toolkit for Children's Behavioral Health provides a wealth of clinical tools, best practices, and research-based recommendations on the behavioral health of children. Based on the current perspectives on behaviorism, social-cognitive theory and attachment theory, the book reviews the evidence-base on developmentally appropriate methods to promote and reinforce positive, prosocial behaviors in children. Each chapter covers the most recent evidence base on normal and atypical development treatment parameters, best practices, and how to most effectively address issues with families, providing guidance on verbal or physical aggression, punishment spirals, and other ineffective or potentially harmful methods. Evidence-based best practices are outlined for addressing bedtime problems, toilet training, bullying behavior and victimization, the relationship between somatic complaints, anxiety, and school refusal, problematic use of screen media, and more.
ISBN: 9780128160244
Publication Date: 2020
Complex Disorders in Pediatric Psychiatry: A Clinician's Guide by David I. Driver; Shari ThomasGet a quick, expert overview of complex childhood psychiatric disorders from Drs. David I. Driver and Shari Thomas of Healthy Foundations Group. This practical resource presents a summary of today's current knowledge and best approaches to topics from gender dysphoria to childhood onset schizophrenia and other complex psychiatric disorders. Comprehensive guide for any professional working with children. Consolidates today's evidence-based information on complex childhood psychiatric disorders into one convenient resource. Provides must-know information on evaluation and management. Covers a range of psychiatric disorders of children including psychosis, autoimmune encephalitides, delirium, concussions, ADHD, irritability, sleep disorders, and eating disorders.
ISBN: 9780323511476
Publication Date: 2018
Depression and Suicide Prevention by American Academy of PediatricsPediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach. Depression is a major health concern confronting children, teens, and young adults, and trends in suicidal ideation or attempts indicate worsening mental health problems for these age groups. With a shortage of mental health specialists, more pediatricians and allied health professionals find themselves on the front lines identifying depression and suicide risk. This collection provides evidence-based guidelines for identification, assessment, treatment and ongoing management of adolescent depression and outlines the importance of screening teens for depressive symptoms and suicide risk.
ISBN: 9781610022897
Publication Date: 2019
Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry by Mina K. DulcanAlready a foundational resource in the field, Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has been updated in the third edition, including the latest research and clinical advances. An expanded chapter on telehealth acknowledges the changes and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and also discusses e-mental health options that support primary care providers, who are often the front line in mental health treatment. Two completely new chapters on pediatric consultation liaison psychiatry examine the history, clinical practice models, scope of interventions, and pharmacological considerations that are relevant to treatment of medically ill children and those seen in primary care--more important than ever, with the significant increase in the number of children with mental health care needs who are seen by pediatricians. In addition, readers will find thorough, DSM-5-aligned insight from dozens of experts on: * Neurodevelopmental and other psychiatric disorders, including disorders affecting somatic function, with clinical descriptions, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment options, and more* A full range of psychosocial treatments, including those focused on both individuals and families, as well as therapeutic milieus and systemic models of care* The principles and application of psychopharmacology, from antidepressants to antipsychotic medications to mood stabilizers and medications for ADHD* Specialized issues, including cultural and religious considerations, gender and sexual diversity, and legal and ethical issues Each chapter features summary points for ease of reference and extensive references for continued study. Working with young patients, who are changing and evolving with age throughout the course of treatment, and their families presents very real and distinct challenges. This latest edition of Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides child and adolescent psychiatrists, pediatricians, family physicians, general psychiatrists, child neurologists, psychologists, advanced practice nurses, psychiatric social workers, and other practitioners the depth and breadth of knowledge needed to treat children and adolescents effectively.
ISBN: 9781615373277
Publication Date: 2021
Handbook of Infant Mental Health by Charles H. ZeanahThe definitive reference in the field--now significantly revised with 75% new material--this volume examines typical and atypical development from birth to the preschool years and identifies what works in helping children and families at risk. Foremost experts explore neurobiological, family, and sociocultural factors in infant mental health, with a major focus on primary caregiving relationships. Risk factors for developmental problems are analyzed, and current information on disorders and disabilities of early childhood is presented. The volume showcases evidence-based approaches to assessment and intervention and describes applications in mental health, primary care, child care, and child welfare settings. New to This Edition: *Chapters on genetic and epigenetic processes, executive functions, historical trauma, and neglect. *Chapters on additional clinical problems: hyperactivity and inattention, sensory overresponsivity, and relationship-specific disorder. *Chapters on additional interventions: attachment and biobehavioral catch-up, video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline, parent-child interaction therapy, and home visiting programs. *Existing chapters all rewritten or revised to reflect a decade's worth of empirical and clinical advances.
ISBN: 9781462537112
Publication Date: 2018
Helping Parents and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems by Mina K. Dulcan; Rachel BallardA dozen experts in child and adolescent psychiatry contributed to this new and fully updated fourth edition of Helping Parents and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems, ensuring that it remains the most trusted resource for educating parents and teachers about psychotropics prescribed for children and adolescents. The book is arranged alphabetically, and each medication has its own information sheet that can be photocopied or downloaded and printed by psychiatrists, pediatricians, and neurologists for distribution to parents and teachers. A useful resource for school staff and library patrons, the information sheets will also be helpful to nonprescribing mental health professionals talking with families about possible referral for medication. The compendium has been designed for maximum utility and accessibility. * Each information sheet includes a section with general information applicable to all medications and very specific sections that include a description of the medication and why it is used, monitoring of the medication, side effects, interactions with other medications and with food, and additional information that is relevant to how the medication can best help and be used safely. * The book is written in a straightforward, understandable style that is accessible and nonintimidating to the lay public.* The number of medications covered has been expanded to reflect new drugs and older drugs recently approved for children and adolescents, such as vilazodone (Viibryd), asenapine (Saphris), and ramelteon (Rozerem).* Explanations of new concerns about potential side effects and FDA black box warnings for antidepressants and stimulants are included.* The "Information on the Internet" section offers a list of vetted medical and professional organizations where the reader can find additional information about child and adolescent mental health and treatment, and the book also includes robust lists of both published resources for parents and teachers and selected additional reading for health and mental health professionals.* Appendices cover medicines with FDA indication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); medicines typically used for anxiety, depression, psychosis, mood stabilizing, and aggression; and an index of medicines by brand name. No other volume offers up-to-the-minute information on psychotropic medications for youth in such an easy-to-use format. Comprehensive and authoritative, Helping Parents and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems will prove indispensable to clinicians in helping to foster understanding among parents and educators.
ISBN: 9781585625062
Publication Date: 2015
Pediatric Anxiety Disorders by Scott N. Compton; Marianne A. Villabo; Hanne KristensenPediatric Anxiety Disorders provides a critical, updated and comprehensive overview of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents based on the current state of empirical research. The book provides specific clinical recommendations which integrate new knowledge from neuroscience and innovative delivery formats for interventions. This is the first reference to examine anxiety diagnoses in accordance with the latest edition of the DSM-5, including childhood onset disorders, such as Separation Anxiety Disorder, Selective Mutism, Specific Phobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The book assists clinicians in critically appraising the certainty of the evidence-base and the strength of clinical recommendations.
ISBN: 9780128130049
Publication Date: 2019
Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies by American Academy of PediatricsThis new compendium is your source for trustworthy recommendations on quality care of children and adolescents with mental health issues. It features one new AAP clinical practice guideline on ADHD and 32 AAP policy statements and clinical and technical reports on mental health. Within the compendium, you will find the collected results of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, the Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, and the Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, in addition to select polices from other AAP groups. This compendium covers 33 different mental health topics and is organized into 8 sections for easy reference: Mental health competencies Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Adversity and toxic stress Depression and bipolar disorder Mental health/behavioral problems Maltreatment Mental health emergencies Special pediatric populations and support
ISBN: 9781610023641
Publication Date: 2020
Pediatric Psycho-Oncology: Psychosocial Aspects and Clinical Interventions by Shulamith Kreitler; Andrés Martin; Myriam Weyl Ben-ArushLike the ground-breaking first edition, Pediatric Psycho-oncology, Second edition puts the child at the centre of medical and psychological care. It broadens the focus beyond treatment and cure to consider the quality of life of the child and their family. Written by an international group of pediatric oncologists and psychologists/psycho-oncologists brought together by an expert editorial team, it focuses on the real-life practical aspects of children undergoing treatment for cancer. This edition has been restructured and opens with a major section on Active treatment, which includes chapters addressing quality of life, pain, psychosocial aspects of treatment and interventions, art therapy and different fantasy-based techniques, palliative care, communication and education, as well as a new chapter on psychopharmacology. Shorter sections then discuss survivorship and care of the dying child, including a new chapter on bereavement. The final section comprises new chapters on ethical considerations and on addressing the emotional needs of children whose parents have cancer, as well as a case study on international collaboration. An appendix provides a comprehensive overview of tools for evaluation and assessment in pediatric psychooncology. This book is a highly practical resource that will be invaluable for all health care professionals looking after children and adolescents with cancer.
ISBN: 9781119998839
Publication Date: 2012
Principles of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Through Complex Clinical Cases by Ayol Samuels; David Myland Kaufman; Audrey WalkerPrinciples of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry through Complex Clinical Cases provides basic diagnosis and treatment tactics, along with the tools that clinicians need to perform both a psychiatric and neurological "consultation," including differential diagnoses and questions to ask. Readers are then offered the neuropsychiatric details of the particular illness that has afflicted sample patients, along with treatment guidelines offered to said patient and their parents. Cases presented include the following topics: Absence Seizures, ESES, Myotonic Dystrophy, Adrenal Leukodystrophy, ADHD with Comorbidities, Wilson's Disease, ASD, Schizophrenia, Astrocytoma with Hypoactive Delirium, Systemic Lupus Erythematous, Traumatic Brain Injury, OCD, Tourette's, Klein Levin Syndrome, and more.
ISBN: 9780128184288
Publication Date: 2024
Sleep and ADHD: An Evidence-Based Guide to Assessment and Treatment by Harriet Hiscock; Emma SciberrasSleep and ADHD begins with an overview of sleep (normal sleep, sleep cues, developmental phases, etc.) and continues with the epidemiology of ADHD and sleep problems, including medical issues (e.g. sleep apnea), parasomnias, behavioral insomnias (i.e. limit setting, sleep onset association disorders, circadian rhythm disorders and anxiety-related insomnia). It then covers the etiology of sleep problems, including the role of sleep hygiene and habits, the developing child, and the role of stimulants and medications used in the management of ADHD sleep problems. As the first book of its kind, users will find this reference an invaluable addition to the literature on ADHD.
ISBN: 9780128141809
Publication Date: 2019
Treatment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence by Mitchell J. Prinstein; Eric A. Youngstrom; Eric J. Mash; Russell A. BarkleyNow completely revised (over 90% new), this definitive practitioner reference and course text comprehensively reviews evidence-based treatments for psychological disorders in children and adolescents. The significantly expanded fourth edition covers an increased number of disorders, as well as transdiagnostic issues and public health concerns. Psychosocial, pharmacological, and complementary therapies are identified and described in well-organized chapters that include rich clinical illustrations. Prominent experts address developmental considerations in treatment and offer guidance for tailoring interventions to each child and family's needs. Prior edition title: Treatment of Childhood Disorders, Third Edition, edited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley. New to This Edition *All chapters are new, reflecting over a decade of clinical and empirical developments. *Chapters on additional clinical issues: bipolar disorder, suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury, obsessive-compulsive disorder, infant and toddler problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, coping and emotion regulation, bereavement, early-onset schizophrenia, personality disorders, childhood obesity, and sleep problems. *Chapters on case conceptualization and evidence-based therapist flexibility. *Illustrative case examples and transcripts added throughout. *Updated for DSM-5; every chapter also considers transdiagnostic and dimensional issues. See also the editors' Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, Fifth Edition.
ISBN: 9781462538980
Publication Date: 2019
Understanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health by Matthew Hodes; Susan Shur-Fen Gau; Petrus J. De VriesUnderstanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health examines the determinates of individual differences in children and young people, along with the origins of maladjustment and psychiatric disorders. It addresses the ways in which interventions and mental health services can be developed and shaped to address individual differences amongst children. Topics cover the influence of economic adversities and gender differences on child development and life course, as well as the range of risk and protective factors associated with the onset and persistence of problems, including sections on anxiety disorders in infants, bipolar disorder, and tics and Tourette's. Additional sections focus on the potential for individualizing treatments as illustrated by pharmacogenomics, with another highlighting ways in which services can be adapted for specific environments, such as the needs of refugee children and systems of service delivery that can be enhanced by the use of telemedicine.