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Dentistry Portal: E-Books

Dentistry and Dental Hygiene E-Books

Medical Subject Headings and Call Numbers

The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) used in the online catalog are available at:

Subject Headings and Call Numbers
Subject Call Number
Reference, General WU 1-49
Anesthesia in Dentistry WO 460
Ethics, Professional Practice, Records WU 50-95
Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene WU 100-113.7
Diseases, Injuries, Technology, Therapeutics WU 140-166
Dental Chemistry and Materials WU 170-190
Dental Anatomy, Diseases WU 210-290
Operative Dentistry WU 300-360
Orthodontics WU 400-440
Special Patient Groups WU 460-495
Prosthodontics WU 500-530
Oral Sugery WU 600-640
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