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Journal Finder: Search

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Print Journal Locations

Archives & Special Collections

Ask for assistance at the Archives & Special Collections service desk in Ekstrom Library Room Lower Level 17.

Art Library

Current journals are arranged by title and located in the West wall of the Art Library. Older journals are shelved nearby using the Library of Congress Call Number system.

Ekstrom Library

Journals are arranged by subject using the Library of Congress Call Number system. Locations include:

Current issues:
Journal Stacks (2nd floor)
Older issues:
Journal Stacks (3rd floor): : Call numbers starting xA - xN
Journal Stacks (4rd floor): : Call numbers starting xP - xZ
Robotic Retrieval System (RRS) : Ask at West Service Desk (1st floor)

Kornhauser Health Sciences Library

Journals are arranged alphabetically and are located on the 3rd floor of Kornhauser Library.

Law Library

Recent journal issues are held on reserve at the circulation desk, while older bound volumes of journals are arranged by title on the 2nd floor.

Music Library

Current journal issues are arranged by title on the first floor of the Music Library. Older bound volumes are shelved on the 3rd floor using the Library of Congress Call Number system.


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