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Ekstrom Library Policy on Signage, Solicitation and Distribution of Literature in Public Areas: Home

This policy applies to individuals and groups who are affiliated with the University of Louisville who wish to engage in solicitation related activities, such as the distribution or posting of literature, within Ekstrom Library. Individuals and groups who are not affiliated with the University of Louisville may not engage in any of these activities within Ekstrom Library. This Ekstrom Library policy does not supersede the following existing University of Louisville campus policy but does provide specific policy guidelines for Ekstrom Library:


  1. Posted Material: All University of Louisville units and RSOs may post news and informational items on approved bulletin boards in Ekstrom Library without prior authorization. Groups and individuals unaffiliated with the University may not post material. Items from approved groups may be posted on the bulletin board near the West entrance to the library. (There is an additional bulletin board on the first floor of the West Wing that is managed by the Student Government Association.) Material may not be posted or left on any other surface/location including doors, windows, and library furniture such as tables or computer stations.
  2. Distribution of Material: All University units and RSOs that would like to distribute material in Ekstrom Library must submit an official request to the Student Engagement Coordinator for approval. The request to distribute material must be accompanied with complete information regarding the date, time and intended purpose. All requests are approved on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Ekstrom Library. Important factors in evaluating requests include, but are not limited to, the promotion of student academic success and alignment with Libraries strategic goals. Ekstrom Library may require that units/RSOs distribute library materials or other promotion of library services as a precondition of approval. Should a request be approved, the point of distribution will be limited to one of 3 designated areas in the library. Groups and individuals unaffiliated with the University may not distribute material.
  3. Other Forms of Solicitation: Other forms of solicitation activities sponsored by University groups, such as donation boxes, are also subject to the approval of the Director of Ekstrom Library. Any activities, including fundraisers, that involve selling merchandise or other commercial transactions are not permitted.

ekstrom signage locations

We are excited to collaborate with various organizations to enrich our community through diverse events and activities. To secure a space/permission to post signage or materials in Ekstrom Library, please fill out the UofL Unit Request for Ekstrom Library Tabling/Donation Boxes form.

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