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Student Government Association Video Collection: Home

General Information

This collection of feature films was made possible from funds from the U of L Student Government Association. The collection circulates to all University students, faculty and staff.

  • Patrons can check out 3 titles for 5 days with NO RENEWALS. (other users are waiting for them.)
  • To see if titles are available, do a title search in the catalog.
  • Items must be returned directly to Access and User Services (west desk) on the 1st floor of the Ekstrom Library. Items returned to any other department or bookdrops may be lost or damaged.
  • Overdue notices are sent the day after the items are due.
  • If your items are returned and you have fines on your account you must wait 24 hours before checking out more items.
  • When items are not returned, a bill will be generated for $50.00 per item (plus $20.00 for processing.) These charges will be referred to the Bursars Office who can block students from registering, getting grades, graduation and other library services.

Item Locations

  • SGA Browsing Collection - Bookshelves in front of the main elevators on the 1st floor of Ekstrom Library
  • SGA Collection - 4th floor to the right (if coming from elevators)

Titles List

View List of Videos in the SGA Collection

Then check availability in the UofL Library Catalog.

UofL Library Catalog

Suggest a Title

Since the creation of the SGA video collection, we have tried to order the films you want to see. To recommend a film, come to the Access and User Services Department (west desk) in Ekstrom Library where you can submit a paper request.

We will add to the list any feature film, documentary, or television series. NO video games or pornography, please. Titles are ordered as funds become available, the titles become available or when we locate them (as in the case of foreign titles or independent films).

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