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MGMT 301: Future of Management: Home

Resources for the MGMT 301 research project.

Start of Session

Please fill out this short welcome survey before the session begins:

Objectives for Library Session

  • Develop keywords and search strategies based on driving question. 
  • Find and evaluate sources to explore existing research. 

Developing Keywords

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Write out your research question. For example: "How does AI impact the future of management?"
  2. Pull out the most important words from your research question. AI, management, future
  3. Think of synonyms for these keywords.  AI: artificial intelligence, machine learning. Management: manager, leadership, administration. Future: evolution, progress.
  4. Think of broader keywords. AI: emerging technology, computer science, large language model. Broader keywords are helpful if you aren't getting enough results.
  5. Think of narrower keywords. AI: ChatGPT, robotics, generative AI. Narrower keywords are helpful if you're getting too many results.
  6. Start searching a library database with your keywords. Remember to try out different keyword combinations to get the best search results.
  7. Collect additional keywords as you search.

For step-by-step guidance throughout the research process, visit Research DIY


  1. Open ChatGPT:
  2. Ask ChatGPT for keywords you can use to research your topic. (ex: Researching AI and the future of management)
  3. Compare the AI-generated keywords to the keywords you developed. How can these help you further develop your driving question? 

Finding & Evaluating Sources

Start with background research to gain more knowledge and further develop your topic. 

Utilize library databases to identify credible and reliable sources. 

Quick links to major business publications. Browse by date or search within a single publication..

End of Session

Please fill out this short survey to provide feedback on today's library instruction session.

Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian


Alexandra Howard

Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian

Ekstrom Library

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