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Activity #1

Part A

  1. What type of article do you have? Is it an original research study (or series of studies)? Does it present a new theoretical argument or approach? Does it review or summarize previous research? Be prepared to point to evidence from the article to explain your reasoning.
  2. How is the article organized? Consider the headings of the different sections. Why do you think it's organized the way that it is?
  3. Use Google to find the journal's website. Try to locate a description of the journal. The description might be called "Aims and Scope," or it might be part of the "Author Instructions," "Manuscript Requirements," "Submission Guidelines," or a similar section. Who do you imagine might be the primary audience for the journal? Can you find any information about the journal's peer review process?

Part B

  1. Use Google Scholar to find other articles published in this journal. Do articles in the journal seem to be cited regularly ("Cited by")? What are the names of some of the journals that have cited articles in your journal?
  2. Look in Google Scholar metrics to see if your journal is listed among the top psychology journals. What are the names of some of the journals listed in the metrics?

Part C

  1. Use InCites Journal Citation Reports to find the 2016 impact factor for your journal. How is it ranked among other journals in the "Social Psychology" category.

Activity #2

  1. Identify 2-3 databases relevant to your field.
  2. Search one of these databases for a topic of interest. Identify 4-5 journal titles that might be useful/relevant.
  3. Determine whether or not the library has access to the full-text of the journal.


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Rob Detmering
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