"Generative AI for College Students" is a Blackboard-hosted microcourse created by Ekstrom Library in partnership with the Writing Center and Digital Media Suite. The microcourse consists of six mini-lessons for students all about Generative AI. Each lesson takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The microcourse seeks to enhance students' understanding of and engagement with Generative AI in the college classroom.
Each of the six lessons consists of a Pre-Knowledge Check, Video, Activity, and Reflection. The six lessons and their learning objectives are:
You can share this link with students to self-enroll in the microcourse: uofl.me/genAI
Faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to enroll and work through the lessons as well!
The microcourse is hosted in a Blackboard Organization. Once you have enrolled, you can find the microcourse listed under your Organizations when you log in to Blackboard, or access it directly at uofl.me/genAI.
Instructors can enroll in the microcourse just like students at uofl.me/genAI. The content of each lesson is in a forced sequence, meaning it has to be completed in order. You must complete the Pre-Knowledge Check to view the Video, view the Video to access the Activity, and so on. To preview the content, simply click on the lesson you're interested in, then enter "Test" or something similar as your answer to questions within the lesson so you can move through all of the content quickly.
We recommend assigning standalone lessons throughout the semester, or assigning a specific lesson that speaks to some aspect of your course (e.g. GenAI & College Research when you assign a research assignment).
Students will be able to leave the microcourse after completing a lesson and return to their saved progress.
We do not recommend assigning the entire microcourse at once unless you give students plenty of time to work through each lesson throughout the semester.
Students can download a completion receipt after they submit the final reflection for each lesson. You can create an Assignment in your own Blackboard course where students can upload their certificates for you to grade. We recommend assigning participation points for completing what you have assigned.
We also recommend incorporating some conversation around the lesson into class time after students complete it in order for students to share and build upon what they learned.