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Cheat Codes for Advanced Layout in LibGuides: Grid

Best Use

Grid layout is best used for laying out content in columns and rows. Like flex, grid requires that the elements be inside a container (usually a <div>). In the container, add class="grid". To adjust the layout you can also add other class attributes within this class, based on what you need. See Options box.

Within LibGuides it's especially helpful when you want two or more different column setups on the same page.


border options
Attribute Grid Items Will:
grid (required)  
columns-2-even display as 2 even-width columns; make subsequent rows top-align
columns-3-even display as 3 even-width columns; make subsequent rows top-align
item-margin-2 add a 2rem gap between rows and columns
item-margin-3 add a 3rem gap between rows and columns
item-padding-1 Provide 1rem of padding inside the grid items
item-padding-2 Provide 2rem of padding inside the grid items
item-padding-3 Provide 3rem of padding inside the grid items
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