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Artists' Books

Elizabeth Whiteley

Peter H. Beaman, Elizabeth Whiteley, Brad Freeman
Art Library Rare Books Collection - PS 3552 .E147 D4 1989 box 6.2

"As the title suggests, this oversized deck of cards, containing 52 chapters based on the interactions of five characters, can be shuffled and dealt (read) in any order. The loose sheets are cut to resemble a deck of playing cards and are printed with the text on the obverse and illustrations on the reverse in playing-card fashion. The illustrations, done in collaboration, have their own shuffled collage-like look." References: Johanna Drucker, The Century of Artists' Books, 1995." Printed Matter

Elizabeth Whiteley
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .W5224 W45 2018 box 16.2

Unbound artist's book consisting of nine hand-painted folders and containing eight original texts about deliberation and celebrations of beauty, revealed through trusting, allowing, unfolding, recognizing, nourishing, exploring, discovering, and experiencing.

"A variable edition, owing to hand-painting"--Colophon.

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