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That's what you write about ; Give & take: Home

Artists' Books
Morton Marcus
Art Library Rare Books Collection PS 3563 .A639 T48 2009 box 9.2

Edition of 75, Art Library has copy 26. "[C]ontains two original poems by poet, teacher, writer and film critic, Morton Marcus (1936-2009). While preserving the integrity of the author's original text, the decision to marry these two poems and their respective titles creates a third poem in which urban and rural themes interact … A single poem, That's What You Write About, can be read on the left hand page of the double page spread and a single poem, Give & Take, can be read on the right hand page of the double page spread. A second choice comes into play when the reader chooses to read the book in sequential order, from left to right. Only then a new poem is realized in which the urban and rural interact with the turning of each page."—Prospectus.

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