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Artists' Books

Bonnie Thompson Norman

Bonnie Thompson Norman
Art Library Rare Books Collection: N 7433.4 .N676 A37 2010 box 25

"An Activist's Tablet is something of a play on words as it is intended as a Prescription for Doing Good in the World. It is a series of broadsides with exhortations to vote, give, help, etc., in a 'tablet format' and it is hoped that each sheet will be pulled off and posted as instructed on the title page... Take One and Pass It On. (The pun here is obvious, I hope... a prescription for a pill or tablet... broadsides bound in a tablet format, take one, etc." — Vamp & Tramp website

Bonnie Thompson Norman, Dawn Hobson, Margaret Johnson, Ben Meluish, and Caroline Williams
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .N676 B36 2014 box 9.1

"Designed and produced in a class taught by Bonnie Thompson Norman in collaboration with Dawn Hobson, Margaret Johnson, Ben Meluish, and Caroline Williams"—Colophon.

Bonnie Thompson Norman, Dawn Endean, Patricia Halsell, Kaylea Trowbridge, Elizabeth Walters
Art Library Rare Books Collection: JC 423 .N6544 2004 box 25

"A Primer for Democracy was produced in a class taught by Bonnie Thompson Norman at the Windowpane Press, Seattle, Washington. Participants were Dawn Endean, Patricia Halsell, Kaylea Trowbridge, Elizabeth Walters. August 2004"--Colophon. Notched cards with slogans about democracy from which one can construct a free-form structure.

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