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Lilith the night demon: Home

Artists' Books
Rebecca Goodale
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .G6475 L57 2022 box 25

One-of-a-kind. "Lilith was created from the same clay as Adam. She understood herself to be his equal and when she refused to be subservient, she was banished from Eden and restricted to haunting the night. In Isaiah she is referred to as the night-demon accompanied by the wildcat and hyena (or possibly a jackal). I looked at images of sixth century incantation bowls that depicted Lilith. The imagery on those bowls was extraordinary and I decided to create a set of circle books about Lilith in the dark. If someone was limited to a life of darkness, then why wouldn't they consider any of these options- astronomer, poet, mermaid, housecleaner, or night-demon?"--Artist's statement, Vamp & Tramp Booksellers website

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