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Artists' Books

Krogh, Anna

Anna Krogh
Art Library Rare Books Collection: TR 647 .S634 2005 box 20.2

"This small book is clothed in a soft, green suede cover with a single image of a bird embossed on the front. In a classic case of not judging a book by its cover, the unexpected title is How to Hunt. The word 'hunting' conjures up images of gore, dominance and fraught relationships between man and nature. This Danish gem, by Trine Søndergaard and Nicolai Howalt, is as far away from the immediacy of such Deerhunter drama as the tactile gentleness of the cover and prosaic Danish countryside can take it. How to Hunt quietly seduces the reader to join in a ghostly communion with Nature. Although hunters (of birds, not deer) inhabit its pages, they are always secondary to the verdant tableaux of the countryside which holds their quarry." Publisher's website.

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