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I wish to say ... vol. 2: Home

Artists' Books
Sheryl Oring
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .O75 I2 2004 box 4.1

Includes a selection of cards created during performances in Los Angeles and Walnut Creek (California) in 2004. Combines art, politics, and interactive performance to offer the public a chance to say what's on their mind. Oring set up a typewriter and asked visitors "If I were President of the US what would you say to me?" The visitor's reply was then handtyped to a postcard addressed to the White House. With photographs by Dagmar Hovestädt of participants. I Wish to Say took form after many Europeans told Oring that all Americans think alike. Oring: "Because I had lived in so many parts of the country, I thought this couldn't possibly be true. This project is demonstrating to the world how diverse America really is….The response has been very emotional and very immediate. You get a very different view of the country talking to ordinary people."

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